Saturday, July 14, 2007


Your TV Sherpa weighing in today. Psych is one of the many shows on USA network. New shows come on Friday evenings, but they are repeated constantly. In fact, last night's show has been on maybe 4 or 5 times today already.
The basic premise for the show is simple: The star pretends to solve crimes using psychic ability. In actuality, he is just a really great detective. He is very detail oriented, and catches many of these relatively insignificant clues missed by the regular police. He does a good job of faking psychic powers, so he is called on often for the really tough cases. With his partner, they have a detective agency, and enjoy a modicum of success.
The show is ripe with interplay between his dad, a retired detective, and his partner who knows the real deal, and the regular police who have some doubts, but recognize that he has some gift. The show is loaded with laughs, so much so that it is hard to decide if the show is a comedy or a detective show.
It doesn't matter, it is what it is, and I really like it.

I'm rating it a very enjoyable 8.6.