I can see my toes!
For the first time in many, many years I can see my naughty bits!!! And they are cute as can be.
I knew they were there all along, but I was going on blind faith, for there had been no visual confirmation since 1968.
Naughty bits are cute? I'll just be taking your WORD on that one Old Man!
Hee hee
As long as you think so, I guess that's all that matters...lol.
Therapy. Just go!
180 pounds?! Holy heck... Go, go Crotchety!!
180 pounds? That's another person. I knew you were hiding something.
I bet his naughty bits are not as cute.
Hell, your "naughty bits" should be showing by now what with all of the handling they've had the past few months. It's like a penis workout! You are 180 and that's corpulent? Or you were 180?
What Quirkyloon said. Bwahahahaha. Be proud that you can see you naughty bits. I'm married. I so can relate to the pure adulation you men get with your naughty bits.
Have a terrific day. :)
Seeing is believing....Shouldn't it be "Hey there, BIG GUY" instead of little buddy. Just sayin'
You're a new man...and his name is Dick. Good on ya DOM.
Congratulations are in order! No more periscope, strings and pulleys for visual verification? Yay Crotchety!
OMG, that's a lot of weight! Not that you went thru anything pleasant to lose it. But still...
If there was any doubt as to their cuteness... couldn't you just ask the new aid you were telling us about?
I gave mine up for lent in 1964. Father Schaffner loved them.
Cute naughty bits? I would go get your eyes checked!
Next time the aid picks you up by your handle.. maybe she could verify this whole naughty bit cut thing! I'm just saying..
Congratulations on the new visual - woo hoo!!
180lbs! Wow. Glad to hear you can see your little buddies again.
180 lbs? Cool! Wow!
Yay for the naughty bits, too.
I'll take your word about that. :)
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