Since it's opening day, here's my predictions for the division champions
AL East
Do you really need to ask?
Yankees, Yankees, Yankees. Pitching is going to be ok, and they score like a machine.
AL Central
The Tigers and the Indians are the obvious choices. I'm going with the Indians. CC and Carmona are just so dominant.
AL West
It's gonna be the Angels.
Wild card will be the Red Sox
If they can keep those stupid bugs away, Yankees will beat Cleveland for the AL Championship.
NL East
The Mets look good with Santana, as long as they can get one more year out of Pedro. Maine is looking good, too. I predict a big year for him.
NL Central
It's been 100 years since the Cubbies won the Series. This ain't the year, but at least they will take the division.
NL West
Everybody is going with the Rockies or the d'Backs. I'm going against conventional wisdom, and picking the Padres. I'm not sure why, maybe I'm just feeling religious.
The Phils will take the wild card.
The Mets pitching is strong in a short series, so I look for them to return to the Series.
Should be a re-match of the Subway Series of 2000, and while I'm rooting for the Yankees, I'm predicting a Mets win, but I won't be happy about that. It's almost as bad as a Sox win.

Happy Belated Birthday, Joe!
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