The Old Lady also discovered the joys of 3 card poker. This is a very interesting game. From what we saw, and how we played, simply put $45 on the table in stacks of 3, and (usually) the dealer laughs and scoops them up. Every few hands he would give us a couple back. We sat next to a guy who knew the game very well. We lost a hundred bucks in about a half-hour, while the guy who knew the game dropped over $600. I’m hoping we don’t learn to play as we can’t afford to get better.
We stayed at the Trump Taj Mahal, and Mr. Trump does it right. We usually stay at the Showboat, which is right next door, but we found we like Trump much better. The food is superior. We ordered room service, and had the best onion rings and burgers ever. And, most surprising of all, the pizza was great, too. Thin crust, and a tasty sauce made for a really good pie. The first night that’s what we ordered and liked it so much, we had the same thing the next night. Who knew?
We also visited the buffet. Because we went at 3:00 on a Tuesday afternoon, the place was empty, and the choices were fairly limited. The Old Lady had a steak smothered with onions and mushrooms. It was cooked to order and she loved it. I had some pasta and a small piece of chicken.
But a casino is more than great food. The room was really well appointed, with a beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean. I need handicapped “facilities” and they made my stay very pleasant. Also, the staff was wonderful. Showboat staff is fine, but Trump’s people were so friendly and helpful, it was as if we were the glitterati renting the penthouse, rather than some schmoes who had a free room.
One of our favorite hobbies is people watching. We like to notice things at various spots in the casinos. Some of these things really gives one pause. We notice a lot of seniors who look like they can barely afford to eat, let alone gamble, sit at the dollar slots. I was surprised at the number of folks dragging oxygen tanks with them. African Americans seem to crowd around the dice tables, while Asians fill the tables in the big money rooms. This doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but it is fun to speculate.

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