As Johnny was getting ready to lift his legs and demonstrate the balancing part of his act, spectators looked away for fear of seeing poor Johnny fall flat.
For the price of $19.99, you too can have the "new age bottle/testicle system". If you are like most men and find testicle chaffing irritable, then purchase my product. It's simple. Just fill the very deceitful bottles full of water. Drink the bottles through out the day but make sure you save some for later..Now when you need to sit, simply shove the bottles under each ass cheek. This will perform the very natural, very anatomical ball swing. The cold effects of the water will reduce inflammation and ta more ball chaffing..but as an added bonus ...for an extra $10.00 we can give you the gallon size, for our men with the bigger butts.
I'm a crotchety old guy who enjoys ranting and raving about the injustices of the world. While many of my rants are political in nature, I can complain about almost anything. If I were a cartoon character, I'd be Grandpa Simpson or an elderly Eric Cartman.
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Me love you long time taken to a whole new level.
One man, two bottles.. poor children.
"Sure, I'll share my seat with you. Which one do you want, the one on the left or the one on the right"?
Honestly officer, I've only had 2 beers.
During this economic plunge, AIG shareholders have started collecting their piss in bottles, as an insurance policy.
This butt's for you.
Oh yeah? People didn't think bottled water would sell, either.
"You know, that Dasani always did taste a little off..."
"no, i didn't see the stool a few feet to my left."
It's better than rearing back and sitting on my thumb!
Seriously, adding a little flavor makes it last longer and boy does it taste great.
Piss in piss out.
Glassy the dwarf-boy gets his head stuck in bizarre not-looking-where-he's-sitting accident?
As Johnny was getting ready to lift his legs and demonstrate the balancing part of his act, spectators looked away for fear of seeing poor Johnny fall flat.
99 bottles of beer up my ass. . .
99 bottle of beeeeeeeeeer. . .
It's a catheter . . .
It's a couch . . .
It's a catheter . . .
It's a couch . . . :-)
I said I'd give you two dollars for the ship in a bottle!!!
Do these bottles make my ass look fat?. . .
Someone had to say it . .
"Bottoms up!"
Just sitting here taking the piss.
Can I buy you a Hiney-ken?
"Look, Ma...No hands!"
The 2 for 1 special, is extra special actually.
Tastes great.
Less filling.
My name is Juan and I am here to say
That a bottle fell out of my ass today
And I sat back down when it was done
Whoa I popped out another one
Now I've got a collection of two
I'm a giving guy. One's for me, one's for you.
One of these things is not like the other
One of these things just doesn't belong
Can you guess which is beer and which is urine
By the time my song is done.
I hate these foregin countries, you never can find a bathroom when you need too.
All right, which one of youze guys said "Duck".
Mu Chong Dong has discovered that he is definitely a two-fisted drinker.
I give up. Too many good ones already spoken for.
"I've got your beer. Don't worry about it. Go ahead and try to jump the shark one more time."
Me Chinese, me play joke, me put pee-pee in your coke.
There's a clink in my Chink. . :-0
"When these tumors are removed no one will even notice me..."
Onlookers are apparently uninterested as Long Wong Dong models the latest fashion accessory --testicular jewelry.
I (unofficially, of course) vote for Matt. Too freakin' funny. I'm not even gonna bother submitting after that one.
For the price of $19.99, you too can have the "new age bottle/testicle system". If you are like most men and find testicle chaffing irritable, then purchase my product. It's simple. Just fill the very deceitful bottles full of water. Drink the bottles through out the day but make sure you save some for later..Now when you need to sit, simply shove the bottles under each ass cheek. This will perform the very natural, very anatomical ball swing. The cold effects of the water will reduce inflammation and ta more ball chaffing..but as an added bonus ...for an extra $10.00 we can give you the gallon size, for our men with the bigger butts.
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