I currently devote my time to a fairly new social network. You may have noticed that I've been pimping Humorbloggers, and that's because they have been giving me what I need in a social network. We work together for the good of the group, and for each other. That may sound like a social experiment such as Cuba, or Russia.
Instead, think of us like the 3 Musketeers,

Not that kind
only there is a bunch of us. Or a gaggle of humorbloggers adrift on a raft. We all want to get to shore, but if we don't, the survivors will have some really funny stories to tell.
Other than the humorblogger of the year contest (vote for me, please

One last note: Visit Ettarose at http://ettarose-edgeofsanity.blogspot.com/ She is hosting a Humor Blog Carnival. Rather than search the internet for the best humor blogs, just go there today, and you'll find a list of the best of the best, all on a theme. I'll let you go and discover the theme for yourself because

Note: Look below for the reasons I'm dumping Digg.
It's always a carnival of comedy at:
I wish I could spend more time there, the folks crack me the heckles up!! As you do of course. ;)
Humor Bloggers ROCKS! :)
Good to know I'm not a candy bar.
Alas, I had similar dreams for All Arkie.
You already got my vote!!! How many times am I allowed to go back and vote? I'd be happy to ACORN the pot for ya.
Well stated Joe! Yeah, it's the best I've been associated with, and don't forget to Stumble us today at ettaroses' place...
What is Humorbloggerss? I've never heard of it nor have I seen it on your blog.
Okay, I voted for you. Good luck. Have a great day. :)
@ Chica: It's fun to see you there.
@ Chat: Yes they do. :)
@ Humor: Amazing the things one can find out here.
@ Fishhawk: I know. And I'm a proud member, even though I'm from NJ. :)
@ Lauren: We just keep some weird hours. One person, one vote, more or less.
@ Don: No problem. It will be done.
@ Bradley: Yes, I have kept it pretty much on the downlow. LOL
@ Sandee: Thank you very much. You have a great day, too.
Humor bloggers ROCK....
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