Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Caption This



Swirl Girl said...

Never having really believed in the whole global warming thing - are George and Dick really enjoying their retirement?

Gianetta said...

"Dude, how long have we been passed out"?

Paul Eilers said...

"I think we got taken on that travel package."

Marvel Goose said...

Oblivion Beer, the last beer to have before you die of hypothermia.

Unknown said...

Is it spring yet?


Lola said...

Dude, the ice is melting fast, maybe we should have brought a bigger cooler.

Unknown said...

I love you man.

Adullamite said...

Look out, that ship, it's called 'The Titanic,' is heading right for us!

Gerry Hatrić said...

So this global warming. Do you think its something to worry about?

Unknown said...

Damn, we slept through the whole cruise. Weren't we just in Alaska?

ReformingGeek said...

Uh....what time did your wife say she would bring the boat back? And why did you call her a fat bitch when she dropped us off you IDIOT!

Anonymous said...

"Ice, Ice Baby"

Unknown said...

When I said I wanted to go to an island, take my shirt off and fish all day, this was NOT what I had in mind!

Anonymous said...

When upper Canadians decide to 'go South' for the winter.

Kelly Ann said...

Bud... Wei... SHIT!

Anonymous said...

See Earl, I told you my cold erect nipples could cut ice.

Unknown said...

I'm gonna have to come back for this one.

Rubba said...

Jesthus Cwist, Bryce. . .
I though you thaid we were goin' fishin' fo' one eye trouser trout. . .

Rubba said...

For AIDS Awareness Week. . . Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch featured Wassila's first openly gay offshore fishermen and gave new meaning to "Drill Baby Drill". . .


Anonymous said...

How much longer before the fish start biting?

Unknown said...

Alaskan tailgating just ain't what it used to be.

*Just Jen* said...

Being from Alaska, I might resent some of these captions! LOL And Wasilla is one S and two L's. :-)

Global Warming - Florida 2020 - "Bubba, do you think that gator has had enough ice to eat today?"

Jen said...

This is hard to caption since all our lakes look like this this time of year.

"Chillin' with a bud/Bud...Priceless."

Sandee said...

Oh Lord. Where do you find these pictures? This is a good one. Both of them look like dumb shits. Just saying.

Have a terrific day Crotchety. :)

I Hate Commercials said...

At least the beer is floating with us.

HumorSmith said...

"Jimmy Bob, is this what they mean by goin' with the floe?"

Harry Yack said...

"Aw crap Jimbo, you left the tap on again, didn't you?"

Chat Blanc said...

"Dude, we're so gonna win this bet. Billy Bob's ice shanty just sunk!"

Rubba said...

lol @ Jen

-S +L

damn typos. . .lol

Rubba said...

Fred. . . You're positive Obama's only gonna serve 4 years and then we go home. . right?



Lotus B. said...

"Shit, man how long we been asleep?"

Anonymous said...

Greenland sure looks a lot bigger on the map.

Anonymous said...

Brokeback Glacier: It's Melt Your Heart!

Jormengrund said...

This picture gives creedence to the old adage:

"You can lead a redneck to fish, but teaching him not to pass out from beer on an iceberg is another matter entirely."

Anonymous said...

Didn't we park the truck around here?

Anonymous said...

"Welcome to Arkansas where it's 10 degrees and snowing one minute, 80 degrees and sunny the next."

Anonymous said...

Proof that summer in Minnesota isn't all that far off.

Kevenj said...

"Shit Frank."
"The things we go through for Crotchety's blog..."

"This sucks."

Staci said...

"Uh, dude, where's my car?"

"Dude, where's our boat?"

Willy said...


10-4 wILLY

Kate said...

Singin' "You and me go fishin' in the dark..."

The Self-Deprechaun said...

Nothing like enjoying an ice cold Schmitts Gay to really quench our arctic lust (not that there's anything wrong with that.)

LL said...

"Ice fishing for dummies."

But I'll wager their beer stayed cold.

Matt said...

Hey Earl, them beers is gittin kinda warm. Reckon they got one a them 7-11s round here so's we kin git some ice?

Anonymous said...

"Dude, remember how we were arguing earlier about how gay we are, and you said 'gay' isn't a matter of degrees? Well, we don't care about the cold or the fact that we're trapped here and might drown in this lake. That's pretty darned gay, I think."

Anonymous said...

Hooboy, Earl, if we wait out here long 'nuff some chicks in bikinis might show up and rescue our drunk asses!

A New Yorker said...

Where we be chill' after the Obama administration gets through with us.

Bee said...

Shot gun wedding my ass! Let them come git me!

Unknown said...

Now I'm really first no matter what..

jana said...

"I don't know what Al Gore's so worked up about, this is pretty damn cool!"

Unknown said...

As the days pass it's inevitable George and Paul become closer.

Melanie said...

"Melanie thought it was a rather easy way to be rid of both ex-husbands at once."