Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm Usually Against Beating Kids but...

I'm pretty annoyed with commercials, TV shows, movies, and every other form of media where the kids are seen as in control. The latest commercial for the Chevy Traverse is just one more example. I've included the link in case you haven't seen this 30 seconds of annoying kid chatter.

The kid wants respect. The kid wants the bigger vehicle. The kid wants the other seat. The kid wants...

I want the kid to shut the hell up. What 8 year old kid should have the final word on a nearly $30,000 purchase? Does this kid have a job? (I guess acting in commercials could be a job, but TV is expecting me to suspend belief and think this is a more or less normal, runny-nose brat.)

The days of Leave it to Beaver family life is long past, and that isn't the issue. In nearly every commercial, every show, every movie--the Dad, any male figure, really, is a dunce, and the kids run the household, while Mom may or may not have any input.

Seriously, what the heck is wrong with directors/writers/producers that they put kids in charge? I don't like, but understand, marketing toys, Happy Meals, and cereal to kids, but cars?

I've had enough of the precocious little pests, have you?


tahtimbo said...

That was Spot On!! I am so sick of these little brats. If I would have acted that way, my mom would have taken the leather strap to my butt. Then, she would tell me to wait until my dad got home and then he would have a go.

jana said...

Ha! I worked in advertising for several years, and Spouse is still in the biz. He sent out a postcard a few years ago when he was job hunting, listing the cliches that are prevalent in advertising.

One of them was "precocious kid knows more than grown-ups"...

Around our house, we've been fed up with that particular cliche for years! (Even more, though, we hate "husband is total dumbass, but wife is Super-Woman!!!)

Adullamite said...

The man is always a loser! That is the message. Women and kids are good, men useless.
However when folks object the female lobby puts them down!

Unknown said...

Let me tell you about bratty little bastards! A ten year old boy was throwing a fit because he had tossed his teddy bear out the window of the family's moving vehicle. His whupped parents stopped on the freeway and started over the guard rail to retreive said brats teddy, AND FELL 80 FEET! The husband went to help the wife and he FELL 80 FEET! The parents need to crap beat out of them! This happened yesterday.

Unknown said...

While reading this, I was thinking, "This is a post that Adullamite would love," and after reading the comments, it was confirmed. Sometimes this world is much too small a place.

ReformingGeek said...

I would have been spanked for that kind of behavior.

I'm sure most kids think they know more than their parents but if they are really that smart, they don't let it show.

I also think it's sad to see fathers as total losers on TV.

Anonymous said...

Amen! You are so right about this. It is just sickening the shows they have on now that are "family shows." It's no wonder our family values and solid families have deteriorated in this nation. One show that does still have parents in control is "The Cosby Show." Other than that, I can't really think of any.

I used to watch "Leave It To Beaver" every day and even taped some episodes. A couple other good ones were "My Three Sons" and "Andy Griffith." These shows were good examples of parenting.

LL said...

Damn... I was fully expecting you to be yelling at the car, not the kids.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. I'm tired of sitcoms, commercials, etc. that show that Dad is incompetent and kids are in charge. I don't know anyone who thinks it's funny.

Sandee said...

They are just mimicking real life. The kids are taking over. Go to a restaurant and watch as parents will let the kids do anything. You can't have a meal in peace. Say anything and it's you must not have kids or you hate kids. No, I just hate your kids.

Bottom line, the new breed of parents just don't seem to take responsibility for raising their kids properly.

I feel better now. Have a terrific day. :)

Anonymous said...

That kid's a "smart girl" alright, in the impertinent; insolent definition of "smart".

You might enjoy this commercial... shows kids a bit more for what they are and offers a solution! ;-)

lilaphase said...

Wait, so are you saying it's not normal for the child to pick the new vehicle?

what about the new house?

Oh, goodness . . . who is supposed to choose these things then?

Paul Eilers said...

It's political correctness run amok.

It's gets old real quick.

Sandee's comment below is so funny! And true! "Do you hate kids? No, I just hate your kids!"


A New Yorker said...

I'm back from FL and reading my fav blogs...and here I am ROFLMAO barely breathing because of what you wrote. TOO DARN ACCURATE!

Michelle said...

Ummm she is cute though!! In a pain in the ass, get the hell out of here kinda way!!!!

Happy Monday!!!!

Chat Blanc said...

damn straight! heck, I'd beat kids for free if people would let me. but at least I'm not the only one who doesn't want them running the world. :)

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Yes, I am sick of it all. I've decided to give mine away. Would you like them? They can do chores.

Donnie said...

Damned straight I'm tired of that crap. Writer's need to come up with a story line that Ward Cleaver is the father to the Brady Bunch who are cousins to the Cartwrights, one of which is married to a Disney. Hell yeah! The Osmonds sing at their church every Sunday while they all listen to Jimmy Stewart preach.

Jean9 said...

I totally agree, kids have run amuck, I can not stand going into public and listening to screaming whining kids, while the parents look on and smile. My kids did not and best not make such a commotion in public.

Anonymous said...

Amen! There are far too many tv shows and commercials that show this behavior and it's not a bit cute in my opinion. All our parents had to do was give us the "look" and we knew to get back in line - that was parenting.
I also agree with Adullamite - men are so often portrayed as losers. It's a bit much

Unknown said...

This has been going on for a long time, though.

I recall BEING a kid and wondering what the heck was wrong with kids on television-- and in real-life stores, too-- who were demanding and obnoxious and didn't get punished into next week for it.

I guarantee I would have lost privileges until college if I'd tried some of the things I see kids doing.

Anonymous said...

Parents who allow this kind of behaviour deserve the consequences. After all, who is the parent and who is the child? I guess I'm just showing what generation I'm from, but children need rules and discipline. After they leave my pocketbook they can do what they like, but until then they live by MY rules.

Da Old Man said...

@ Tahtimbo: Tell me about it. Same thing in my house

@ Speakdog: It gets old hearing how brilliant kids are. Little geniuses can'r add and subtract, or write a coherent sentence, but that's not important, I guess.

@ Adullamite: True dat

@ Etta: Holy cow. Can't imagine my parents even thinking about stopping.

@ FishHawk: It could have even been written by him. :)

@ Reforming: And it just seems like it's getting even worse

@ Karen: Everybody Hates Chris has some good values, but it's on UPN or some small network.

@ LL: Everyone gets yelled at eventually

@ Anon: It's gotten old, really.

@ Sandee: We try to not go out for that reason. Kids run wild everywhere, it seems

@ Shadow: That commercial was great!

@ Lila: Kids do know best, don't they?

@ Paul: It was one of the best. Sandee is hilarious.

@ Lauren: Glad you liked it. Welcome back to freezing cold weather

@ Michelle: Exactly

@ Chat: A new business idea?

@ Mary: No thanks. I'm sure they are useful around the home, but then they start demanding things like food, cars, and who knows what else

@ Don: You covered all the bases.

@ Jean: When we go to the mall, the kids are screaming everywhere, oblivious parents ignore them

@ Sketch: I remember the "look." No words needed.

@ Jenn: You have that right.

Da Old Man said...

@ Jan: Too many parents are afraid to stand up to their kids.
My Spawn only had to see one time that Dad was in charge, and she never questioned it again.

Unknown said...

Just do like I up an old fashioned can of whoop ass and call it a day..but I agree with parents not doing their effin jobs. They have really created terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Kids were much better when we beat them and believed they should be seen and not heard.

There's the answer, beat kids!

Melanie said...

I'm with Mike, just beat the little beasts. Mine all turned out just fine with regular beatings.

Kevenj said...

Nah, beatings are so...50's. FerSher.

I just take the sweethearts to a truckstop and tell them not to come back until they earn $50,or $75 depending on the punishment.

Their shit stops real quick and I get some extra spending money!

Anonymous said...

(A ten year old boy was throwing a fit because he had tossed his teddy bear out the window of the family's moving vehicle.)

Wow, ten is a little old for that kind of behavior! I could understand it from a two year old. But that's probably what comes from not breaking them of that kind of behavior when they are toddlers.

Da Old Man said...

@ Dani: Terrorists--LOL. It is pretty close to describing them.

@ Mike: It sure was quieter

@ Melanie: I never hit the Spawn, and it worked out well. But, the key is if she was punished, she was punished. Cry, whine, argue--it didn't change, but her behavior did

@ Kevin: And no need to pay an allowance. Win-win

@ Kasey: It does seem old for that.

Kirsten said...

LOL! This gives me an idea. I think I need to whore out my kids and make them little actors so they can pay for their sh*^&!

The Self-Deprechaun said...

Old Man, I am all about using kids to feel intellectually and athletically superior and also for slave labor to make shoes.

Anonymous said...

I don't share your hesitation about beating children. I believe it should be mandatory and routinely scheduled.

I own a convenience store. I beat children daily. IT is perhaps the only perk

Ann Imig said...

Gag. Slap.

Matt said...

I agree, it's getting real old!! Someone needs to show some imagination and find anew way to sell their products without using this old cliche.

Dorothy said...

Doesn't surprise me I've written about kids today feeling entitled and it's getting worse not better. The parents have to have a mind set adjustment before things will get better.

Thanks for stopping by grammology

Janna said...

Bratty kids annoy me even more than Oprah does.

And that's a lot.