Ok, I wasn’t forced to wear the diaper, I just kind of liked it. It was a good look for me.
But instead, I realized I have been remiss in some of my blogging duties. I received two Arte Y Pico Awards last week, and haven’t been able to complete my mission in accepting these prestigious awards. So, this will be an Extra Wordy Wednesday.

The Rules thanks to arteypico.blogspot.com:
1) You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award, creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribuites to the blogger community, no matter of language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award-winning, has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the ward itself.
4) Award-winning and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of “Arte y pico” blog , so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5) To show these rules.
This gives me an opportunity to showcase many of the great blogs I read every day.
I was awarded these by Shadow Crystal http://internettreasuretrove.blogspot.com/
and by Presidential candidate Benny Greenberg at http://ya-ttitude.com/blog
Both of these blogs are wonderful , and I’m sure you will enjoy them as much as I do.
Now, on to my picks. By the way, this will be a long award ceremony, but I’m sure you will enjoy the wonderful blogs that I have selected.
These are in no particular order, and I read each one nearly every day.
The first award will go to Chelle at the Offended Blogger.
I can’t explain whether she offends or gets offended. I just know I’m one of her many fans.
Next, is the Downloadable Ryan Garns.
No blog entry ever made me laugh harder than If the Federalist Papers Had Been a Blog. http://www.ryangarns.com/archives/article_062908.php
I’ve recently started reading ChatBlanc at
It’s well written, and funny. Every day she shares her world with just enough snark to make me laugh.
I enjoy foreign language blogs, and one of these is Drowsey Monkey.
She has the most wonderful sense of self-deprecating humor. And penguins.
Yeah, I know Canuckian isn’t a different language. Humor my ignorance, eh.
Few blogs start my day like Amyoops.
She always has some funny themed pictures and a quick joke or two.
I read so many other great blogs. But, like all awards shows, my time is up. I’ll introduce you to them next time. I do read some serious blogs. Honest. And I even read some that are considered intellectual. But I need to laugh, and so many of my blogging buddies help fill that need. I thank them for this as they keep me sane.
Ok, what passes for sanity in my life, anyway.
Give these blogs a gander. I’m sure some will become favorites for you, too.
Holy man-tights Batman!! I got an award! I'm really flattered! Thank you so much for being a reader and awarding me for my narcissism! :) It is most appreciated!!
Thanks so Much Old Man.. Your blog makes my day too.. Always good for a giggle or two
@ aka Sandy: Congrats on making narcissism so darn funny.
@ Amy: Thanks. You find the most interesting pictures and jokes. Always a pick me up.
Well I am so NOT offended by winning this award and I will put it up on the mantle with the others. Thanks for thinking of me!! :)
@ Offended Blogger: I'm glad you like it. :)
So the common denominators are women and humor.. my kind of blogs! :D
@ Chica: My 2 favorites. A woman with a sense of humor--woohoo!!!
Why thank you kind sir :) And I think you mean humour ... not humor. Just sayin'
Hey, the awards ceremony rocked, loved the ice sculpture.
Great Naughty Bits Debacle, this sounds great!
well not the diaper part.
Excellent picks for the award :)
@ Drowsey: Youse guys keep throwing those extra "U"s around. What's up with that anyway?
@ Claire: There were these male nurses named Tino and Stan, and...let's just say the diaper wasn't the weird part.
So are we going to get the rest of this story?
You have intrigued me :)
@ Claire: I'm working on it. It does have all the elements of a great story. It's funny, disgusting, and humiliating.
Thanks for the blog sites and recommendations....they look interesting!
I'll check them out.
Looking forward to hearing about the Great Naughty Bits Debacle, too...:-)
Sounds like my kind of story :)
My buddy Rubba is busy helping me "obtain" the photos for the story. It will be worth it.
I never thought my pal Drowsey spoke a forgein language...but now, come to think of it....well, that explains A LOT! :)
I'm subscribing to them all!
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