Got a lot to cover here, but it will be worth it.
First some old business: The winner of caption this
Ever since he told Luke that he was his father, Darth Vader had to sell everything to cover the back child support...
and the winner of the Zucchini Award

is: Tahtimbo, who also receives 1000 entrecard credits.
First place votes went to Tahtimbo, Fishhawk, Matt, Gumby, and Dad the Dude. Multiple points were scored by Jenn, MA Fat Woman, Matt, Kiki, Chat Blanc, Shaxx, Lauren, and the Hawg
second place was Fishhawk, and Gumby came in third. Thank you to everyone who participated.
The ceremiony was cut a little short because today is the first day of a huge contest with real prizes.
Crotchety's Collosal Chocolate Candy ContestI am giving away a few bags a day for 4 days of

This contest is very easy to win. All you need to do is leave a comment on the post of the day to get one chance to win that day. Please be aware, that if you win, you will need to send me your name and address because you will receive a 9 oz bag of Dove chocolate candy, and the post office generally prefers a name and address. I have a nice mix of milk chocolate and dark chocolate, some bags with almonds and some not. I'll offer choice as long as I can. I highly recommend the dark as it is very flavorful and loaded with anti-oxidents. It is nearly a vegetable. By the way, I will dump your address as soon as the contest is over. Don't worry about me stalking you. I once decided to stalk

Closest I got was I left a message on her website, and had ice cream at the shop where she had some vanilla ice cream 20 years ago. I'm a really bad stalker. That plus I try to never leave my house as I have had run ins with nature, and so I have a fear of turkeys, deer, monkeys, and turtles. From what I understand such nature as lions, gorillas, tigers, and hippopotomuses roam around outside, and I really would prefer to not have to encounter them.
And, extra chances can be earned simply by helping me out. Put a link in a post, and let me know you did, and I'll throw an extra chance in the hat for that day. If you put a funny picture of chocolate in the post, that is worth another one.
And if you say something nice in the comments, or make me laugh that's worth extra. For example, "Just give me some candy, you old fart" would earn a chance, but "My, have you been taking extra handsome pills lately, Mr. Crotchety?" would get lots of extra chances.
And lastly, anyone announcing they came here from a blog with a link to me gets extra chances for both of you.
I will post a chocolate related post on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, so leave a comment when you can. The more comments, the better your chances.
Notice I didn't ask you to subscribe, but that would be nice. You won't get anything for that other than the good karma that comes from making me happy. Which, of course, is priceless.
And I can only assume you have already voted for me at humorbloggers. If, for some reason, you haven't, you have that opportunity right now. Nothing to join, just click down there and find my name, and vote for me.
The jokes are chocolate covered at