Although Irene had been dead for two days, Joe had no intentions of surrendering her body to the mortuary ... not as long as he could continue to use the carpool lane.
Yeah, hey there Raynelle. I need me a jar of Velveeta, 2 bags of pork rinds, a pound o’ hog maws, a dozen mountain oysters and I’ll take that there shotgun on the wall with 3 boxes o’ ammo…Earlene, what the hell else you want?
I'm a crotchety old guy who enjoys ranting and raving about the injustices of the world. While many of my rants are political in nature, I can complain about almost anything. If I were a cartoon character, I'd be Grandpa Simpson or an elderly Eric Cartman.
All images that appear on the site are copyright their respective owners. We claim no credit for them unless otherwise noted. If you own the rights to any of the images and do not wish them to appear on the site please contact us and they will be promptly removed.
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I can't imagine why, but I can be reached at: Put something in the title so I know it's not spam
"God dammit, Joe, slow down!You're not speed racer!"
The missus wanted a red convertible.. so I got 'er one.
"when I told grandpa to put the bag in the back and take it to town, this isn't exactly what I had in mind..."
Redneck navigational system
"I wouldn't give you anything more than a case of Pabst for her. Take it or leave it."
Jimbob needed to cart ma in a separate cart due to her funky smell.
"Come and listen to a story 'bout a man named Jed..."
Are we there yet?
Are you done reading the GPS yet?
The new Lehman Brothers Shuttle Service is now open for business.
Although Irene had been dead for two days, Joe had no intentions of surrendering her body to the mortuary ... not as long as he could continue to use the carpool lane.
After losing the recent election, John McCain had to alter his retirement plans.
P.S. Congratulations... the U.S. has just shown way better choice in voting than Canada.
Falling asleep while driving results in 22% of today's biggest road accidents.
Local business attracts new customers with new drive-thru window.
The little engine that could....
Old school backseat driving.
Shut up Martha and let me scratch these dang tickets so's we can move up to the covered wagon model.
Can't you go any faster pa, I've got important things to do?
No Fred, please don't take me to the 'hospital'. I promise to be good from now on!
Just showin' off my trophy wife around town. Aint she a beaut'!
"Driving Miss Lazy"
Get me some fries with that Joe!
Wake up you bastard before I drive this chair right up your ass!
Once his beer goggles wore off, Enis realized the error in his ways and tried to return her to the bar.
Honey! Tell her to "super-size" it!
Bait purchased and safely stowed in the trailer, Joe departs for his annual bear-hunting trip.
"Stop your nagging Ma. I'm payin' up. We'll be back to the trailer in time for Oprah."
Yeah, hey there Raynelle. I need me a jar of Velveeta, 2 bags of pork rinds, a pound o’ hog maws, a dozen mountain oysters and I’ll take that there shotgun on the wall with 3 boxes o’ ammo…Earlene, what the hell else you want?
when ma got into the Ex-Lax®, pa would put her on the manure spreader and wait for the tank to fill up.
I vote for Chica's caption! Hilarious!!! Oh yeah, the pic is pretty funny too.
John Deere rolls out the new "pull-a-bitch" economy trailer.
Hurry up Earl, we gotta get to the polls to vote for McCain.
Hi Joe, I'm baaack!
The one thing we could do to make Ma happy was to take her winder shopping.
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