I'm sure nearly every male looks at him "dating" 19 year old twins, and thinks, "You go, old dude." But really, isn't it just a bit on the creepy side? The guy is over 80years old. If he is "active" more power to him, but really, what the hell is up with those girls? When they were kids, do you think they ever dreamed of one day tag teaming the Cryptkeeper?

Don't think for a minute that I'm jealous, because I'm not. I just find it incredibly bizarre that any young, very attractive woman, would want to be with someone the age of her grandparents, let alone to share said octagenarian with her sister.
I've heard of May-December romances, but that usually implies they are from the same century, at least. Hef remembers when Baskin-Robbins only had 3 flavors.
Does he have that much money, really? I'm verklempt. Youse are welcome to discuss this amongst yourselves.
And please vote for me for Humorblogger of the year of the week this month.
I am pretty sure I lost Hef and the entire bimbo vote.
I loved the only 3 flavors line - Crotch thats some good stuff.
Here's hoping when I'm 80....
It reminds me of what that there puppet guy said, Viagra should only be used to keep Hugh from rolling out of bed.
@ Dad: Yeah, sure, secretly, many men are rooting the same thing, but really, how messed up mentally are those girls? He qualified for Social Security before they were born.
@ Etta: Sage advice. :)
>but really, how messed up mentally are those girls? He qualified for Social Security before they were born.
You are right! LOL How can they look at him and not see their grandfather?
Oh pulease. Men MY age refuse to date women MY age. This is a reality we all bitch about. Ths is why young girls date people like Hugh and I guess they figure with Hugh they at least get some public exposure.
You're soooo right... although I think the girls are a bit creepier than Hefner... a man his age wanting to have relations with girls their age is perfectly understandable. The reverse is not.
What we won't do for a crack at money or fame... yikes!
@ Isolated: exactly
@ Lauren: The creepy factor comes on Hugh's end, too. Probably as much as on the women's.
@ Shadow: I can't figure out who is the creepiest. But Gramps needs to keep his pajamas on.
Yeah. There's old and then there's OLD.
Maybe it gives the "girls" something to post on their blog.
I've been accused of robbing the cradle time after time...mine aren't still in the womb though!
@ Reforming: I've seen interviews with the girls who left. I don't think they were intelligent enough to have a blog. These two new ones, I doubt they are any smarter.
@ Don: True dat. To be in Hugh's class, have to start dating women whose parents haven't met yet. :)
It's more of what he symbolizes for them, I imagine-- some vague sense of being a part of some rather strange legacy-- than probably he himself. I'm sure they think this will do something for their careers, or let them retire early or something.
Definitely not my scene, but I'm imagining they think it's their 15 minutes.
In this court of unknown law I agree with the accuser and proclaim that High Hefner is in fact creepy.
It's the fame. Before I became an international superstar blogger, I hardly ever had swarms of 19-year-old hotties drenching me with their love.
But, look at me now...
...hey! Who said you could use my photo!
@ Jenn: I'm sure you are correct, as they are most probably thinking they are linked in some sort of legacy. But by the same token, I couldn't imagine back when I was a teenager, having any interest in an 80 year old woman.
@ Heather: true
@ Deadrooster: As an well known international superstar blogger, your photo is in the public domain, and as such is currently serving as a screensaver for 19 year old hotties across the internet.
Maybe, that's where the line, "Who's your Daddy...err Granddaddy came from?"
Heff is a billionaire, I'm sure that has great mass appeal to gold digging whores.
Even if Viagra helps him get his 80 gear stick into position, it's still gross.
But even though I'd do him for the money and the lifestyle...but he wouldn't do me 'cuz I am too old.
And how proud are those young girl's of their daughter's "success" ?
About as proud as Mr. and Mrs. Lewinsky are of Monica's fame, I bet.
Hugh is one CREEPY old man! I think my husband secretly wants to be the next Hugh... ahh hell there no secret about it... He will tell you that is what he aspires to be one day!!
Yes, he has that much money and he's a legend. The young girls don't want to miss that opportunity. :)
Yah, it's amazing how attractive money can make you. I don't know if it blinds you or hypnotizes you. Either way, he has enough money to keep the hotties coming.
Sorry, I just visualized him naked. ewwwwwwwww
When I saw this I thought, "who would appreciate something like this...Da Old Man would!" haha. Take a look
As a gay man I can probably visualize sex with Hef better than most men. The visualization aint pretty and there's no amount of money that would get me in bed with that dirty old man.
When I hit my 80's I'm sure I'll want to be surrounded by 20 year olds, but I'll probably wonder what the hell is wrong with THEM. I'm not rich so it's not likely to happen.
@ MA: "Who's your grandaddy?" LOL. Classic
@ Rusty: That probably has something to do with it.
@ Swirl: I can't imagine the parents of those girls.
@ Krissi: I can understand the fantasy, but it really just creeps me out. I'm much younger than Hef, and couldn't imagine being with a teenager.
@ Sandee: Real opportunity. Couldn't they find a really rich 40 year old? Some of those internet millionaires are in their 30's.
@ Angie: Sorry. Care for some brain bleach?
@ The Fly: OK, that is disturbing, but funny.
@ Bradley: I'm sure you can, but why would you?
It's mind boggling, really, I can't imagine that he that great in bed, creepy yes, it would be like getting it on with ,,,oh never mind i can't even say it..yuck
High Hefner? I didn't know there was one.. ;)
I think it's creepy. I'm not sure I could date an 80-year-old guy, no matter how much money he had (unless I was 80 myself, of course).
Who knows? Maybe he has a huge schlong and kills in bed. But really, the only reason they are with him is for the publicity.
I've been seen Hugh in more than a few places, The Girls Next Door, old TV shows such as The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, of all places, as one example, and was thinking similar thoughts to yours.
Wondering: are there any women his age that have 18-year-old gigolos hanging around them? I think our society would find that creepier -- like Norma Desmond up in her mansion in Sunset Boulevard. I don't think we'd want a closeup of that.
@ Kat: You don;'t have to say it. LOL
@ Chica: Hugh, not high. Though that would explain it better
@ Petra: I'm sure it's the publicity, not the equipment.
@ Unresolved Rambler: I can't see Cloris Leachman hooking up with one of the guys from High School Musical.
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