To begin, I would like to thank all the veterans who have given so much in service to my country.

It's funny, but we often overlook the fact that the families serve, too. I appreciate their service. Thank you for all your sacrifices.
Now on to the usual shenanigans:
Quizno's has ignored me. They are trying to marginalize me and my crappy turkey sandwich. I can assure you, this is not over yet. I'm pretty

And I will continue to ignore Greenland. And to further insult Greenland I will refuse to conquer it when I play Risk with my nephew. Or maybe I should completely conquer it. I'm not sure which is more insulting. Let me know what you think.
I have selected 2 blogs to highlight this week that are very special.
One is the All Arkie Army blog
This blog is a compilation from various writers with connections to the Natural State. Now, I'll admit I have another reason for nominating this blog. Once a month, they bestow the honorary title of Captain on deserving bloggers. This is the equivalent of the Kentucky Colonel title and darn it, I want one. When I finally get those misguided individuals from Quizno's on the phone, I want to introduce myself as Captain Crotchety. I can imagine them quaking in their boots when they realize that they are messing with a person of such influence and with a prestigeous title like that. My connection to Arkansas is pretty limited. I'm from NJ. About all I have going is that my Grandfather used to vacation in Arkansas. So, you can see my position is tenuous, at best.
The second blog I'd lke to highlight is Kitchen Table Medicine.
I usually try to highlight a blog that is newer and doesn't get a lot of attention. But I'm making an exception for Doc Nicole mainly because she has changed her blog a lot and is turning it into a truly interactive tool for those who would lke to get healthy using, well, things we eat. She has assembled a team of experts and is building a library, so to speak of various journal entries on many many topics. Also, in the very near future, Doc is conducting aninterview with an expert in the field of living unhealthy. She found someone who has had nearly every disease known to man, and still manages to blog every day.
Stop by tomorrow for the weekly "Caption This"
Captain Crotchety does have a nice ring to it. Or how about General Crotchety, or Rear Admiral Crotchety?
All Arkie Army and Natural State Hawg are a couple of my favorites for sure! Nice of you to think about veterans too Captain! Have a good day.
The Quizno's war. I love it.
Happy Veterans day to all and thank you for your service.
Have a great day. :)
Happy Veterans Day!
Hey, I'm so sorry Quiznos has marginalized you -- keep up the good fight old man!
Hope you get the Captain title soon, but if not we could still call you Captain if you'd like! It would probably only cost ya another bag or so of chocolate... :)
Old Man..
I do love a man in uniform! And socks oft to all those who have fought fer this here country.
@ Jenn: Captain seems the best though. It's more vague. I could be a fighting man with a military background, or the guy who runs a flounder fishing boat out of Point Pleasant. I like that air of mystery.
@ Don: You have a good day, also. And thank you for your service.
@ Sandee: You have a great day, also.
@ Angie: Hmmm. It maybe worth it. The only other title I hold is world's greatest dad. I only have a mug I bought at a yard sale to prove that, though.
@ Eve: They deserve that and more.
Kick some Quiznos BUTT!!!
Thanks for the link love Crotchety!
The interview is going to be fantastic! I am so excited.
continued curses on Quiznos!!!
guess what I got in the mail yesterday! no, not my vibrator of the month. my chocolate prize!!! :D I'm super stoked and have been fighting off the four-legged furry chocoholic of the house so I can savor every single piece sans cat hair. THANK YOU!! =^..^=
@ Lauren: I'm trying to
@ Doc Nicole: Glad you thought it was ok
@ Chat: I hope you enjoy it cat hairlessly. :)
I say take control of Greenland and make them all bow to your greatness.
@ Bradley: I like that strategy. And a lot of those little pieces can fit in Greenland.
@ Susan: Thank you for stopping by. Stop by regularly for a daily dose of whatever it is. Tomorrow is a very special caption contest with a big prize.
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