Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Canada Day

I wanted to start by wishing everyone a Happy Canada Day. I was all set to give you a nice description of Canada Day, and why we should celebrate it. I then realized I was very negligent in my Canadian knowledge, especially after taking a Canada Day quiz.



I did steal this from Drowsey Monkey, who is one of the funniest Canadian bloggers. You can visit her for more Canada Day news and notes. http://drowseymonkey.blogspot.com/ If you tell her I sent you, she'll give you a better seat.

From what I understand about Canada Day, it's exactly like the USA's Fourth of July, only different. Here in the USA, our Social Studies courses are very Euro-centric, with a little bit of South American history thrown in. We consider Canada our younger brother, and pretty much ignore it. On this Canada Day, I'd like to apologize for that.

And then, of course, give Canada noogies.



Unknown said...

Let us celebrate this fine holiday, with Molson and jelly donuts for everyone!!

Bradley said...

Ignore Canada day? I think not. I have a lot of respect for those who live in our most northern state.

Da Old Man said...

@ Jenn and Bradley: party on

Chelle Blögger said...

Happy Canada Day! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Canada Day Joe!

Anonymous said...

I'm a horrible Canadian... I scored 30% on the quiz.

Da Old Man said...

@ Chelle and Doc: thanks. I'm partying big time here in NJ. I'm willing to bet it's the only Canada Day celebration in Central New Jersey. I'm not just some drunk, I'm a builder of international relations.
@ Shadow: You need more beer. :)

MYM said...

I'm the funniest Canadian blogger you know? LOL ... you need to get out more dude! But thank you :) I'm flattered.

Anyway, based on my score on that quiz I'm about to be deported anyway.

Da Old Man said...

@ Drowsey: We scored the same. I'm as good a Canadian as you. LOL.

shyne said...

Happy Canada Day to all our northern friends.

I knew 5 of the quiz questions, made a "telepathic guess" (LOL) on the rest, and ended up with 8 right answers.

Just goes to show you, not only do I NOT know much about Canada, but I really suck at being a psychic.

Kate said...

Dude, you always make me laugh. Thank you.

Kate said...

Dude, you always make me laugh. Thank you.