Friday, July 25, 2008

It's Casual Friday

So, kick back and be prepared to go on a little trip. It’s ok if you don’t have your toothbrush with you.

First, Mr. Rubba created a special umbrella hat for Sandy at She should have it on her blog today.

It is so worth the trip to see it, and it only cost her 50 million Zimbabwe dollars.

Next, take a quick trip to see HRH Momjeans at

And you can see :


Along with her victory chant. It’s pretty funny.

It’s another awards show, so you can check out some really wonderful blogs.

We’ve had the prestigious Arte y Pico Award bestowed on this blog again.


The Rules thanks to
1) You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award, creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribuites to the blogger community, no matter of language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award-winning, has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog thathas given her or him the ward itself.
4) Award-winning and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of “Arte y pico”blog , so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5) To show these rules.

I was selected by Bridget, the Get Smart Gal at
She features electronics, business tips, finance, marketing, and some football.

I’d like to share this award with:
Bikram at He shares photos of his homeland with very nice descriptions.

Eunice, another travel photographer at
Beautiful photos from her extensive travels

Bill from He shares recipes and restaurant reviews in New Jersey.

Time Thief from It’s always a good read, that can have well presented political ideas one day, and life advice the next.

And lastly, my friend Kate at
It’s totally her fault that She started me on the blogging path nearly 5 years ago. Her blog is a mixed bag. She makes fun of celebrities, weighs in with thoughtful political debate, or just lets us take a peek at her life. She also writes a recipe blog and a pet blog, creates hand made quilts, works full time and I get exhausted just thinking about all the stuff she does.

The blog also received another award, but I’ll share that next week. Youse have been through enough for today.

I’m still taking questions for an upcoming blog providing answers directly from the Man Handbook. Just leave your questions in the comments section.


Bikran said...

Crotchety Old Man Thank you for the honored i am really delighted .But i am confuse how to put this award in my blog though i have try to put it am not sure i did it correctly could you please just check once if it is done correctly on my award section.

Chat Blanc said...

I'm proudly wearing my fabulous umbrella hat! It's perfect for the rainy weather here today. Many thanks to the creative talents of da old man and Rubba. You guys are fashion gods! You ROCK!! :)

Da Old Man said...

@ Bikran: It's fine. And just find some friends to share it with.

@ Sandy: That hat just made me LOL. I'm glad you liked it. Mr Rubba will be happy, too. :)

Unknown said...

Great googly-moogly-- it's another Arte y Pico award! I have this theory about Arte y Pico that he's actually an evil blogging supergenius, with a plan to spread awards to clever bloggers as some sort of pyramid scheme link plague.

I'm still working on uncovering hard evidence of this, though.

I saw Rubba's fine duck work (Rubba duckie?) on Sandy's blog-- very nice!

Hm, and questions for the Man Handbook?...

What is the maximum number of words I can use with the average man before I'm tuned out?

I'd like to trim my ideas to the proper word cut-off. I suspect, it's, like, five.

Unknown said...

Wow, I don't know what to say. I am getting all choked up.

Da Old Man said...

@ Jenn: Both your theories are pretty good.

@ Bill: It's all good. Enjoy the award.

This Brazen Teacher said...

I love this blog. If I could have a blog father, I would want you to be it.

Ever think of having a brazen-ish saucy kid?

Da Old Man said...

@ Brazen: That sounds so Tony Soprano-like. I'd be happy to have a Brazen-ish kid. :)

Anonymous said...

Question for the Man Handbook.

My boyfriend is taking me to his friend's wedding next week. Does that me we are serious, we are both in our 30's?

Da Old Man said...

@ Anonymous: I'll put that in the post from the handbook. I have to look that up. That's a question that doesn't come up often for me, as most men my age are on 3rd or 4th wives and we don't keep track of girlfriends, ours or other's.

eunice said...

Thank you my dear friend, for acknowledging my effort! :D

5 more days to go for my blog contest, hope u can continue to vote for me! Thank you!


Da Old Man said...

@ Eunice: I will. Good luck in the contest.

Anonymous said...

Grrr, you keep posting so many good blogs, my list keeps growing and growing...


Congrats on the newest awards! :-)

Kate said...

Thanks for the shout-out and congrats on all your wins! I will endeavor to continue to make you proud! :-)

Da Old Man said...

@ Shadow: It's amazing how many talented writers are out there in the blogosphere.

@ Kate: You taught the Beast, and then he taught me. You are the teacher.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to all the winners...