Sunday, November 23, 2008

Our Day of Romance

Today was the 16th anniversary of the day we met, so I thought we would try to have a romantic day at home.

In case you weren't sure, the Crotchety Old Lady and I have a slightly unusual relationship. Our first dinner date 16 years ago was at a place called Jim's Burger Haven in Hazlet, NJ.


This former Burger Chef is a Bayshore landmark for fine dining. Every single booth has been carefully restored to its 1960/1970's splendor with vinyl tape that is nearly the same color as the seat itself. The Ms. Pacman video game was near cherry, also. And the walls are a beautiful wood paneling that will be back in style eventually.

I haven't been there in about 2 years, so I can only imagine it is still the same. But we still consider it to be "our place." The food is tasty, consisting mainly of burgers and other fast food regulars along with a unique New Jersey treat, pork roll. Some high faluting establishments call pork roll Taylor Ham, but at Jim's it's known as the less cosmopolitan pork roll.

Back to our day of romance.

For lunch we had a beef pot pie. Delicious. We considered eating it together, but it was the Rutgers-- Army game on TV, and the laundry wasn't about to do itself.

I took my nap on the couch, but I did think of the Mrs. as I closed my eyes. I'm reasonably sure she was thinking pleasant romantic-type thoughts of me as she cleaned up lunch dishes and straightened up the house a little.

As dinner time rolled around, I reminded her that it was very cold out, and she would not enjoy going out to dinner in such weather. But it is her anniversary, too, and I didn't want her to fuss, so I just had her make me a simple dinner. I'm good to her that way.

After dinner, that's when I whisked her away to the land of bliss. After making me hot chocolate, and bringing me some dessert, I asked her to sit next to me while I read blogs and dropped entrecards. She liked that, I think. I mean, when I asked, her if she was enjoying herself, she said, "Yeah, it's every girl's dream."

She sounded a bit sarcastic, but she likes to joke that way.

Hey, I know how to treat my lady.

We're good for another year.

If you haven't voted for me yet, it would make the Mrs. happy if you cast a quick vote for me.


Gianetta said...

Wow! Sixteen years...I'm sure its been a dream...err...nightmare or something like that. Congrats anyhow. I like the looks of that burger place--you think they sell pizza burgers?

Da Old Man said...

@ MA: I'm not sure. We always get the pork roll

Paul Eilers said...

And today is our ninth anniversary!

The stars have aligned, Crotchety Old Man.

Maybe we'll go to Whattaburger. And take a candle too.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

now THAT sounds like bliss, if I ever heard it.

Congratulations on 16 years!

Adullamite said...

She is a lucky lady!

michiganderlady said...

Whatever would she do without you?? :)

Congrats to you and Mrs. B!!!

A New Yorker said...

That photo reminds me why I left NJ almost 18 years ago. Thanks :)

GumbyTheCat said...

So romantic... I'm getting all misty... (sniff)

Kelly Ann said...

Yikers, 16 big ones eh? hehe Congratulations, and happy (late) anniversary. :)

Unknown said...


Laura said...

Hahahahaha! OMG, you crack me up. AND you remind me of my hubby. Today is our 9th anniversary. I can't wait to see the wonders he has in store. :)

Krissi said...

Congrats on 16 yrs! What a lucky lady you have there, sounds like my hubby really got the shaft!! LOL

Donnie said...

I can't remember where my ex and I ate our first meal together which tells me it involved more alcohol than food.
Does an egg salad sandwich from the local Quik-Stop count?

Anonymous said...

LOL your wife must be a truly lovely lady. ;-)

16 years... way to go! Congratulations :-)

Da Old Man said...

@ Paul: And a very happy anniversary to you and the Mrs.

@ Nanny: Thank you. It's been great.

@ Adullamite: Thanks. Don't tell her, but I lucked out.

@ Michiganderlady: She's be lost. Good thing I'm here to redirect her. (I hope she doesn't read that)

@ Lauren: Jim's is awesome. You don't know what you're missing. NY dosn't have pork roll.

@ Gumby: I was going to order a pizza, but she would have been overwhelmed

@ Chica: Thanks

@ FishHawk: :)

@ Laura: You lucked out too, then. Happy anniversary.

@ Krissi: I did ok. :)

@ Don: I remember that from my first wife.

@ Shadow: She is.

Swirl Girl said...

...sounds perfectly crotchety.

Chat Blanc said...

you know how to roll out the red carpet don't ya? two words: ladee killa! :)

Sandee said...

She is indeed a lucky women to get to wait on you all the time, while you lounge in the recliner. I'm so glad she got you and I didn't. Bwahahahahaha. Thanks for the laughs. Have a great day. :)

Da Old Man said...

@ Swirl: totally

@ Chat: Hell yeah :)

@ Sandee: I told her we should get a dog or cat. She said "Like I need another thing to take care of that just sits around, eats, and poops."
I'm pretty sure she was kidding.

Anonymous said...

She's a lucky woman, Crotchety. It's obvious that you thought of nothing but her on that "first day we met" anniversary. Ah, I'm sure it's like that every day.

That tale was so moving and beautiful that I may just cry (in a manly, silent way, of course).

eve cleveland said...

Awww, Joe...
I bet you refrained from hollerin' at her that the vacuum was making too much noise during your shows. Did you even let her dust around you on this special day? She must have been enraptured. Why is she so lucky?

Da Old Man said...

@ The Hawg: Yes, I like to keep her happy. Today we have kept it going with a very romantic day of watching football. She doesn't like football, but I'm pretty sure she likes to watch me watch it.

@ Eve: I was the perfect gentleman. I know she hates being disturbed while she is doing housework, so I only ask her for snacks and drinks when she is between chores.

GumbyTheCat said...

I like the site redesign!

ReformingGeek said...

Congrats! Sounds like a fun day ;-)

Hubby and I had our first date looking at Christmas lights. I'm not even sure if there was a meal involved. Probably. I like to eat!

I also like the site changes. I like the right-hand sidebar for blogs although I used the stretchy lefty on my other site which is more business-oriented.

Deb said...

Congrats Crotchety and Mrs. C! Love and burgers always endure. Or is it love OF burgers endures?

Anonymous said...

Awww congrats Joe -- 16 years is incredible. Your wife must be amazing!!! :D

I'll be celebrating my 20th in February. Yah, he's a lucky man too!

Hey, your site looks awesome -- I love that new header!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Wife and I are celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary today, and I'm in here reading blogs and dropping Entrecards too. :)

Da Old Man said...

@ Gumby: Thanks. But it was Angie who did it.

@ Reforming: We used to go looking at lights all the time.

@ Deb: Thanks. Our relationship is built on burgers.

@ Angie: Thanks. And TY for pimping the blog.

@ UR: Happy anniversary to you and the Mrs.

A New Yorker said...

OMG I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new design. I jealous as all heck. AND AND AND BTW WE SOOOOOOOOO have pork roll!

Janna said...

Pork roll?
You're going to make me Google that, aren't you?

....pork roll?

Da Old Man said...

@ Lauren: It can't be authentic.

@ Janna: It is the finest of the salted, fat laden meats.

Janna said...

Ok, I Googled it....

Here... is THIS what you mean?

Oooh, look.... you can even get them as Christmas ornaments...

Da Old Man said...

@ Janna: That's it. But it looks like someone "Healthied it up" with a piece of lettuce.

G. said...

Haha your wife is a good sport.

And when I came here I thought I was at the wrong blog; nice new design.

Lipstick said...

Congrats to the Crotchety's!!! Hey, nice blog makeover too. :)

Da Old Man said...

@ G: She is, thankfully

@ Lipstick: Thanks.

Kirsten said...

Congrats on the 16 years!! You really know how to treat a lady!

Da Old Man said...

@ Kirsten: TY. I keep telling her that. Some days, she isn't so convinced.

The Hussy Housewife said...

You are a true pimp daddy! I love those hole i the wall eateries. They have the best food.
Happy Aniversary!

Kelly said...

16 years is a long time, Crotchety. Sounds like you had a swell, romantic time of it. My wife of 19 years always asks me if I'm ready to trade her in for a newer model every time our anniversary comes around. Heh heh. I have fond of Burger Chefs. That had tasty hamburgers!

Take care of the Mrs.

Da Old Man said...

@ Hussy Housewife: They are my favs, too

@ Kelly: Thanks, I'll continue to keep her happy. Congrats to you and the wife. 19 years is great.