Don't get nervous that this will really become a regular feature. What are the odds that I am going to read another book? Considering I have not finished a book since Green Eggs and Ham, it's highly doubtful. In fact, I haven't even finished the book that I am reviewing today, but that's why I like this book so much.
Let me explain:
The book is Poems from a Baseball Fan by Howard Nobles. Mr. Nobles is the father of The Hawg from .
I know what you are thinking, "Crotchety.. poems... you?"
Hey, I'm a cultured guy. I
But being somewhat serious, these are poems about my favorite sport, baseball. And, since I know quite a bit about the history of the game, I really enjoyed some of the references to the old players like Eddie Gaedel. It's obvious Mr. Nobles is a long time fan.
The best part? His poems rhyme. None of those stupid haiku that I have complained about in the past. Just good, old fashioned, rhyming poetry. And a couple limericks for good measure. And, because they are independent, and short, they are perfect for someone like me with a short attentions span. I can open up to any page, and just read a poem or two.
My favorite is this limerick:
An error prone shortstop named Neft
Admitted that he was not deft
"I miss balls day and night
That are hit to my right
I also miss balls to my left."
The book can be ordered from Amazon, and would make a nice present for the
I wonder if Sam I am ever got him to try the Green Eggs and Ham?

Just some random stuff:
Is Pinoy the new Amway?
I had stuff delivered to my home. I live on a major road. Everyone in my state has heard of it. Most people on the East Coast have heard of it. Delivery company asked for a cross street. Why does the delivery guy drive up and down the cross street looking for my home?
Do you ever check to see how your blog loads? If you have lots of widgets and ads, and icons and videos and assorted crap, you probably should.
I'd tell ya if got the eggs/ham but I don't wanna ruin the movie for you.
So glad you are keeping yourself well rounded and educated by reading. I'll bet you can't wait for it to come out on DVD.
There once was a girl from New York
Too Lazy to pick up her fork
A book she should read
Would be such a deed
OH SHIT I'm too lazy to finish this....
Wow. You're really random today. You really should finish Green Eggs and all rhymes so it should be easy for you.
@ Drowsey: If only there was a Cliff's Notes for it.
@ Etta: I'm looking forward to it.
@ Lauren: I so totally understand
@ Bradley: Yeah, I'm all over the place.
I think it would be great if you just reviewed the first chapter of a book every Saturday!
Hearts and bunnies,
I knew deep down you where a softy..jesus shoe worm!
@ Eve: That's not a bad idea. I couldreview the first chapter, and my readers could let me know how the book ends.
@ Hussy: I know more about the first chapters of books than nearly anyone.
When I worked in a daycare I was lucky enough to re-read all the Dr. Suess books I thought I liked as a kid... and realised, the ones I liked weren't Dr. Suess, but some other author (Theodore something-or-other) who made books that looked like Dr. Suess books. Point being? Dr. Suess books are long, incomprehensible, and just plain stupid. If I ever read the entire way through Green Eggs and Ham, I, too, never would have finished another book.
I think you helped me choose a holiday gift for my cousin's baseball-obsessed hubby now, too. Thanks. :-)
I've come to realize that I read more words on blogs that I do from my actual book which is taking me months to finish. At least I'm reading!
I love baseball. Happy Weekend and honey-dos.
Actually, I don't think it'd be a bad idea for a book review each Saturday. Why not? Of course, I'm into books, even have a book blog myself: Just A (Reading) Fool.
Swig beer, eat raw meat. You are my kind of guy. Bwahahahahahaha. Just read the jacket of the book and then read the last few pages. That's enough.
Yes, I have checked my load time. It's about average. I try to keep the sidebars clean.
Have a terrific weekend. :)
ohhhhhh. Sidebars are bad. Jeesh. I'm clueless.
@ Shadow: Isn't Theodore something or other Dr. Suess?
@ Reforming: Blogs work for me because of my short attention span.
@ Unfinished: Beacuse I never finish books, it may be tough to do a good review.
@ Sandee: That got me through college.
@ Charmaine: Some sidebars are.
Poems! Crotchety reviewing a book of poetry! What has the world come to? :)
Yep... Dr. Seuss was Theodore something-or-other. ;-)
I got mixed up... I didn't like him, but liked some books written and illustrated in a similar style ("Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb", apparently, by Al Perkins and Eric Gurney for example).
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