First, the blog received 2 awards.
One is from the Goddess at (which is a personal blog)

and the second is from (which is a place to find nice hand- crafted jewelry)

I don't usually pass them along for a couple reasons. First, I usually pass them along to Jenn, and she complained about the upkeep. You know, virtual dusting. Liberal applications of Glass Wax, stuff like that. Second, they come with so many rules, I will most likely screw them up. Rather than do that, and put a burden on the recipient, I'm just going to give an award, stringless as it were, and show some of my readers some of the great blogs I read.
I'd like to pass along one award to Charmaine at
Charmaine describes her misadventures as a woman in her 40's in the dating world. She is hilarious. When she takes a "dating break" she posts some awesome recipes, along with a story. In her most recent post, she talked about veal. I haven't eaten veal since sometime in the 1980's, and after reading her post, I'm still not eating veal, but she makes a compelling argument for some veal dish this weekend. I'd like to bestow the Kreativ Blogger Award on her.
The next blog I'd like to highlight, and give the Blog Love award to Laura from
and her husband Paul from
Talk about really pushing the Two fer concept. This husband and wife team write seperate health blogs and are both a good read. I hope you enjoy all the blogs I highlighted today.
I'm going to be busy scouring the interwebs searching for an extra special picture to caption this week.
First! You so deserve these awards sugar. Congrats
Thanks for the recommendations...I'll check out these blogs...You deserve one too for certain!
Merry Christmas!
I have a yorkie and I know not to mess with the killer dog on duty.
Hey congrats on the awards :)
Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year, may your rantings continue full throttle.
I like Paul's Health Blog. I go there to see what I need to do to stay in good shape, and then I do the opposite. Cheap entertainment.
I love Charmaine's blog too!
I will check out the others and congrats!
I've got your friend beat for sure on the length of a dating break! OY! I need to break the break. As always congrats on the awards. Please stop by to see something for you.
Congratulations on these two awards. You certainly deserve them. Have a terrific day. :)
@ Etta: Thanks
@ Lord I want to be: Thank you and Merry Christmas
@ Jafabrit: Happy Christmas to you, and thanks. Yes, that Yorkie is a great guard dog.
@ Don: I read it and do the opposite. It hasn't worked well for me, though. I should probably take some of his advice.
@ Heather: Thanks. I was just amazed by it. Realized a lot of men are jerks.
@ Lauren: I stop by every day. Here's hoping you lose the record.
@ Sandee: Thanks. You have a great day, also.
Thanks old man. I've always loved old men.
Except that Good Guy Gone Bad dude who made me pay for everything.
THANKS for the award. I love it. kissing you on cheek.
Maybe a little innapropriate pinch. Na. I would never do that.
YAY for Charmaine Old Man!!
She is my current girl crush!! Usually once a month i fall in love with a girl. This month it is Charmaine!!!
Thank you!!!
Hey Old Man,
I want to put you on my blog roll!!
Just cause!!
You make me laugh!!
So, your there!
@ Charmaine: Thanks.
@ Michelle: She is so awesome. Thanks for the add. I'll reciprocate as soon as I get my butt in gear.
Back to back feel good posts! Old man you deserve the awards and all the treasures in heaven that will come down for all the good causes you are getting behind. Now, shake your fist at me and tell me to scram and get lost before I give you a big man hug.
@ Self: Thanks. yeah, I have to be nice once in a while to build up some karma or something.
Way to go, Joe!
I look forward to meeting these blogs.
Where's all the old crochety guy?
Sorry, fingers were too fast. Where's the old crotchety guy?
I love when the elderly yell at cars... Tonight I followed a group of teenagers who yelled obscenities at me this evening. I beeped and road raged the shit out of those young bastards.... it felt good... I am enjoy age.
I can't wait to see what picture you come up with. I'm ready. Bring it!!
Thanks for the Blog Love, Old Man! :) Paul and I really enjoy reading your blog as well. Happy holidays to you and yours!
Crotchety Old Man, what's gotten into you lately? You're mellowing out and stuff. Being all nice and everything.
You have a reputation to uphold. Tighten up!
P.S. Thanks for posting about my and my wife's blog. We sure do appreciate it. Merry Christmas!
Heh, Jenn thanks you. And congrats on the awards, Crotchety-- you rock! :)
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