And trust me, the post you would have read was one of my best ever. It would have made you laugh, cry, then take a short break for a snack and to go potty, then back again to laugh some more.
So, no ear wax technology, no updates on the stupid squirrels who are using my new ramp as Club Med Rodentia, skiing down it, eating nuts and basically having their little squirrel parties on it.

Before I leave you, I just wanted to let you know that in my never ending research to find out obscure factoids, I discovered that there is a National Joe Day. It's still a few months away, but I'll keep reminding you as we get closer. BTW, surprisingly, it is around the same day as my birthday. Weird, huh?
Have a great Monday.
I think it was someone from Greenland who caused your post to disappear. They are a sneaky lot:)
damn... I hate it when that happens...
erm... the losing post thing, not the squirrel ski-slope.
I just can't wait for Joe day. What would you like for your day honey
Damn squirrels.
THat's no way to start a week.. or end a week with either. That's just wrong... lucky for meeeeeeee my elelectroniiiiiccccs never giiiiive me annnny trrrruubbbllle......
There is no technology invented that cannot be beaten by brute force and ignorance. At least that's what I find......
Maybe the squirrels took your hilarious post and are opening up a comedy club on your ramp. They neighbors will really go "nuts" over that...ok that was lame. Can't wait for JOE day. You and my son are two of the bestest!
Around here, we blame the cat for everything but now I know that's probably the squirrels.
Damn! I neglected to add Joe Day to my personalized calendar from Shutterfly.
"Gee, I had my post written. I swear! The squirrel ate it!" Come on Joe, you can do better than that. No gold star for you today...
Ah, the post that got away! They are always the best ones, aren't they?
It's not surprising that National Joe Day would be around your birthday-- I imagine they took it into account.
Let us know when it is, and we'll be more than happy to celebrate along with you and your Joeness!!
@ Tahtimbo: No doubt they are up to some shenanigans.
@ LL: Stupid disappearing posts
@ Etta: I haven't decided yet. But I'm sure everyone will try to combine it with my birthday present.
@ Lauren: Exactly, they leave shells all over the place.
@ Dan: I Knnnooooooooww.
@ Adullamite: Computers can't take a punch. Don't ask how I know that.
@ Eve: I'm gong to promote the heck out of that holiday next year.
@ Reforming: It is a major Holiday. Not quite as well known as "Talk Lke a Pirate Day," and nearly on a par with Christmas.
@ Don: Stoopid damn squirrels.
@ Lidian: Always
@ Jenn: The Google says it is March 27th. BTW, nice avatar.
That squirrel stole my 80's aviator glasses.
I want him dead.
does Joe Day include celebrating other Joes, like sloppy joes, joe schmoe and shoeless joe?
OMG...sorry Joe -- I know how much that sucks. And no matter how hard you try, you can never recreate the magic of that first draft!
You still made me laugh -- and now I can't wait until Joe Day!
@ Mike: So does Mrs. Crotchety. She hates all squirrels.
@ Chat: According to The Google, it is an opportunity for everyone who dislikes their own name, to assume the name Joe for the entire day. Me, I will embrace it as a celebration of all things Joe.
@ Angie: Nor can I. The excitement is building. Get your shopping done early, it will be here before you know it.
It's not good to have your birthday so close to a major holiday. People are going to cheap up and just by you one gift for both. If they even bother to buy you a gift.
Not sure how I got here - I started out at Nanny's and kind of wandered from blog to blog. Ended up here. Cynthia
My brother's name is Joe, but I like you better. Technology sucks even more than my brother does.
I laughed when you talked about your squirrels and your ramp being "Club Med". LOLOL
Do you have as much fun as they do on it?
@ Muse: Glad to see you stopped by. Please come by again.
I know about the doubling up of presents, two of my best friends have Christmas Eve birthdays, and my nephew is Dec 26th. I'm going to presume no one will try that doubling up trick with Joe Day and my birthday (which is already a Holiday--check you calendar)
@ Rusty: Thanks. :)
@ Chunks: Nope, those squirrels have way more fun than I do.
Since I am not a techie, that stuff happens to me too!
Awesome, I thought I was the only one that celebrated Joe day...
Is that squirrel one that Bill once animated? I might give it a try myself.
As for your ramp, I can still get around without one, but if I ever need one, too bad. There's no room here unless it's slanted like a ramp for jumping the grand canyon. Wheeeee!
@ Paul: Happens to me all the time
@ Petra: Every day should be Joe Day
@ Dana: Not sure if it is or not.
You are WAY more mellow about this than I was when "New Blogger" rolled out ... I didn't have my "One Hour A Day" rule in place yet, so I would lose 3-4 hours a pop because they hadn't worked the kinks out.
It was a tiny window of time -maybe ten days- but I was frothing ...
@ Lobo: Me mellow? Do you want to know how I know a computer can't take a good right hook?
Please let us know when Nat'l Joe Day is! I need to find a date! That takes time.
They have a Joe day?!!? Cool! I want one.
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