First on the agenda:
Not a lot of captions, must have been some sort of other stuff going on. Oh, yeah, Christmas and all that.
I gave the staff the week off, so this week and next, there is a special judge.
This week's winner is Charmaine from Middle Aged Dating

After suffering from a mild identity crisis Rex, the German Shepard, went off his meds and applied for an opening posted on Craig's List to be one of Santas Reindeers. He did not get the job.
Santa: You can't fly, you're a dog. Stop wasting my time.
Rex: I can too fly you (bleep)
Santa: Get this stupid dog outta here.
The dejected canine was spotted sky diving over Pasadena with a message for Santa. We have digitally altered it for publication: (Santa is a Shi*)Rex is currently being held at Pasadena County Jail on charges of defamation.
It was more a story than a caption, and the judge was suitably impressed.
Jenn was second, and Adullamite a close 3rd

Charmaine wins the Zucchini, and because she doesn't have entrecard (the best blog promotion tool around) she just gets the award and, of course, the acclaim of the entire interwebs.
My blogging buddy Ettarose awarded the blog this great badge this week.

It comes with no rules, no strings, no requirement to
I'm going to need a minute here.

Thanks. I'm back.
Major Announcement: Alert the media!!!

The famous kidney stone that eerily resembles Rutherford B Hayes, thought to be lost in the general debris of the Crotchety household, has been found. The Crotchety Old Lady will be photographing it so it will be properly archived before being donated to the Rutherford B Hayes Library in Fremont, Ohio.
Sadly, it has been shuffled about, and some of the characteristics have been dulled, so it is vital that this important medical and historical artifact be preserved and saved for future generations. Give her a couple days to take care of that. Proper documentation takes time.
Canny wait to see this stone! :)
I can't believe how excited I am about that stone. Great build up, no pun intended...
Oh, and congrats to the winner!
@ Adullamite: It will be worth the wait
@ Reforming: I need to draft a letter to the Hayes Presidential Library, so they can find a place of honor for it.
Glad you passed ...I hear it's as bad as childbirth. OY!
Ahhhh. I won something? (faints)
What is entrecard?
Are you speaking English?
Someone, please, help me.
What I meant was, someone, please, marry me and put me out of my misery.
Kiss on cheeck to you old man.
Hmmm, Charmaine. Divorce put me out of my misery. which contrary to popular belief does not love company. Ahem....sorry Joe...what I started to type is "OW!!" But at least you got a presidential memento out of the deal. Rutherford would be so proud.
YAY my girlfriend won!! Charmaine is my girlie crush and i am telling the world!!
She is witty and special and pretty and lovely and funny! And she is mine!!!
Happy day old man!!!
@ Lauren: I just remember a lot of pain
@ Charmaine: Entrecard is a pretty good deal. Go to and check it out. As far as marriage, are you sure that will make you less miserable? I've been married and don't remember being particularly happy.
@ Humor: I'm sure he would be
@ Michelle: She is all that and more.
Crotchety, I am telling you I have plans for those zuchini. You have to give me an easy one! (just kidding) about the easy caption, not the zuchini!
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