Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Caption this

Happy Holiday Edition



Unknown said...



Gianetta said...

Hey, at least I didn't spill my beer!

Gianetta said...

December 26th...priceless!

A New Yorker said...

Crotchety? Crotchety...CROTCHETY??!?!?!?!?!?!?

LL said...

"One too many ho, ho, hos..."

"No... it's ho, ho, ho, not Old Crow, old crow, old crow..."

2 Brits, 2 Yanks, 2 Dogs said...

I don't even know what to say - wow! You really did find a craptacular photo!

"Apparently Santa has no idea whether you have been naughty or nice".

Lame I know.

Unknown said...

That's a pretty small sac Santa has got going on there.

kalos_eidos said...


Alkie Clause needs ta lay off the candy cane juice!

Adullamite said...


Anonymous said...

That happens if you work only one day a year! What do you think Santa is doing from December 26th til December 23th?

LOBO said...

"Hey ... did I leave the gas on?"

Buzzing J said...

Hey, even Santa and his "little" helper need a rest.

crpitt said...

I forgot I pissed in this bottle....

Kelly Ann said...

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the alley, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.. The stockings were hung on the sac with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would pee there...

ReformingGeek said...

Somehow I just knew that this picture was going to show up here today....

"Confused about the placement of his hat, Santa is experiencing a slight wardrobe malfunction."

Krissi said...

Looks like Santa had one too many at the annual Christmas party AGAIN!!

Unknown said...

Twas the night before Christmas
And there in the clink
Slumped Santa, buck naked,
Ho-ho-hosed from the drink

Anonymous said...

Why Santa, what a big hat you have there.

It sucks but everyone else said all the good ones.

Anonymous said...

Christmas just wasn't quite the same after the 2008 market crash.

Metallman said...

It finally happened. Mrs. Claus pushed Santa into the naughty list.

Jormengrund said...

I know, I know..

If you're bad, you're supposed to get a lump of coal in your stocking...

But coal's DAMNED expensive! SO deal with what you get!

That, and my hat is going to substitute for the stocking, too..

Maybe just one more drink from this little medicine bottle of mine.....

Donnie said...

"Hi little girl. You still wanna sit on Santa's lap?"

Anonymous said...

Twas the day after Christmas...

Jessica said...

Don't have a caption, but I just have to say--WOW. LOL

Chat Blanc said...

Putting the Ho in Holidays.

Jormengrund said...

And here you thought that this hat I'm wearing was to keep my head warm!

Well, you're partially right...

GumbyTheCat said...

Sadly, it wasn't until the "wrap party" for Trading Places that everyone realized that Dan Akroyd was, indeed, a drunk bum Santa Claus in real life.

Janna said...

1. "Christmas goes so much easier for Santa, now that everyone's on the Naughty List."

2. "(Hic) Y'know whad I've always wanda say ta you guys? (hic) I lov you, man. Rudolph, Cupid, (hic) Blonder, Ditzen, (hic) and all you elves, I love all you little bastards. C'mere and gimme hug. (hic)"

3. "The year the kids left vodka instead of milk and cookies."

Matt said...

Step right up and play "throw the hat on the santa stick."

Kevenj said...

"I used to be a six-figure GM exec, then put all my funds in a GM only stock account when a banking buddy got me a gig at Bear Sterns with a possible Congressional seat on the Republican ticket in '08."

"F*cking asshole."

Paul Eilers said...

No! No! NO!

Janna said...

(Oh, and by the way, I mentioned you on the Jannaverse today). :)

The Self-Deprechaun said...

After expressing his desire to abandon the Christmas calling, Santa numbed himself with liquid courage in hand and went through the de-initiation process where he was beaten, mugged, and fondled by his reindeers. Santa, now, you can join Hannukah or Kwanzaa. I hope it was worth it.

Swirl Girl said...

Gives a whole new meaning to 'working balls to the walls' to get ready for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

During the annual Reindeer games, Pin The Hat On Santa went very wrong!

Anonymous said...

''He drinks because he doesn't fill out the hat any more.''

Kirsten said...

That's terrible!!! How can you laugh at that!
I had no clue that Santa wore wife beaters! White trash!!

Kirsten said...

My first try sucked, so I'm trying again.
"I think it's so cute how Andy Dick dresses up as santa every year!"