Those days are gone, and today's Granny on the Go is as likely to be stylin in a pick up truck as a Honda Fit.
And every bit as likely to assault a police officer after getting caught for speeding as to become an exotic dancer

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Obviously, every so often, a feisty Granny will run afoul of John Law, and well, will just get out of control. If this happens, and the police officer has to take action...well, let's just say it isn't very grandmotherly to cuss like a sailor while yelling that you are 72 years old. Just take your tasing and get your butt to jail, Granny.In case you missed this story:
I'll never be a grandmother (no kids), but I at least hope that when I get old I end up interesting.
Maybe not "stripper pole" interesting, but something bizarre and memorable.
Or I could be some weird hybrid who bakes cookies, does crafts, tells stories, AND skydives into monster truck events wearing a cheerleader outfit made of cotton candy.
P.S. Since I'm already starting to get gray hair, should I go out and buy the cotton candy now?
I had a mean old granny, always made me do chores and was as warm as the artic. *sigh* memories. :)
Holy moley that cop should have his nuts run thru a wringer. Tasering an old lady? C'mon! Do your real job and eat another donut. That's amazing DOM.
One of these days, I'm going to try pole dancing just to see if I can pull it off. It's either that or I'm buying a great pair of binoculars so I can sit in the window and spy on the neighbors.
I think keeping that old lady from walking into traffic was a legitimate excuse to shove her. I would have gone for tripping instead of tasing, but that's just me.
My grandmother did a pole dance once. She brought down the whole second floor of the firehouse on top of her.
Gotta tell ya. I saw that tape and thought the old broad got what she deserved. Hehehehe... Too funny!
Yeah, but remember that today's grannies were 60's teenagers. There's gotta be a connection.
Bwahahahaha. That will teach the old hag to dare a cop. Bwahahahaha. Feisty old bird.
Have a terrific day Crotchety. :)
It looks like that woman on the pole is actually a man.
I am a grandmother and you saw yesterday how limber I am! The publcist has no kids so she is just and Aunt....she is always polite to policemen.
I think the Tazer is the new weapon of the 20th century for fat cops who cannot outrun an old lady. Have you noticed how freakin fat cops are now days? I just saw a few in Denney's and not one of them weighed less than 300! So now to be a cop all you have to do is point and squeeze. No running, no tussles with a senior citizen, just "Taze them bro!"
@ FishHawk: I'll be tuning in
@ Janna: But the cotton candy machine. It's cheaper in the long run.
@ Lady Sarcasm: I don't remember mine
@ Nonamed: It was interesting. Funny situation as it got out of control.
@ Reforming: You could be like Mrs Kravitz
@ Kathcom: But tasing makes for a better video,
@ Don: It was hilarious
@ Chris: Explains a lot.
@ Sandee: A bit too feisy
@ MA: Said on the site it's a woman
@ Pricilla: Quite. And glad the publicist is nice to police.
@ Etta: Maybe I can have a career then.
Is that you on the pole? Don't act like you don't get a little crazy after a couple of shots!
My mom is 83 and she performs raps!
10- 4 Willy agrees - Grannys are gone wild - Too bad that they look younger than they used to.
Couldn't have just body slammed the old broad to the ground?? Or man-handled her?? I would think the tazer would stop her heart or something--it was a tad drastic.
@ Kirsten: It's an old woman. Really. I swear.
@ Sherry: We need video
@ Willy: I noticed that, too
@ Lin: It was actually a weird situation. He had to be careful so neither of them got hurt
I saw this and was amazed that all media were on granny's side. The woman was a little on the feisty side to say the least. She probably should have been tased a long time ago. I felt sorry for the cop.
That looks like a man in the photo. Hmmm Joe ya gotta stop dressing up and spinning. OKAY?
LOL! Great post. I can't believe this crazy woman thought that you can act like that when being stopped by the police. Sigh...guess if she hasn't learned that sort of thing now, there's not much hope for her.
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