I really don't have a life.
We had to reschedule our vacation. I was supposed to spend the first week in July

We will try again in September. September at the beach sounds pretty nice, actually. Get rid of those punk partying kids, and the families with rugrats. Just me and all the old folks and some footloose and fancy free types.
Beach crowd is different in September
If you get a chance, could you stop by and vote for Stacie from Stacie's Madness? She is a regular commentor here, and writes a very funny blog. Right at the top of her blog page page there is a thing to click on to vote for her blog as the best in her hometown. It will take less than a minute and help out a bud.Thanks. And, if you aren't a regular reader of hers, check it out. It's worth taking a few minutes to read a couple posts.
Starting this weekend, I'm going to switch to summer hours. No weekend posts except for the Super Special Father's Day Edition. Or if it's a special day like Richard Simmons's Birthday.
It's my favorite video, and a Father's Day tradition, and well worth stopping by to see. I promise it will not become stuck in your head, although last year, it did cause temporary blindness, and I'm reasonably sure at least one blog regular spent considerable time sitting in the corner gently sobbing.
Happy 600! Woo hoo!
By the way, when is Richard's birthday, I want to make sure I get him something FABulous.
Wow 600! Congrats! You think they got that guy's 2-piece in the MA Fat Woman's size?
"I'm reasonably sure at least one blog regular spent considerable time sitting in the corner gently sobbing"
Sounds like any ordinary Sunday evening, now that we're an Obamanation!
Viva la 600!
Hey, Crotchety old man, you are very funny and even though you are crotchety I hope you don't mind that I just added you to my blogroll. Hmm. Crotchety old man. Blogroll. That sounds like I just put nasty mayonnaise on my sandwich or something. Anyway, it's meant to be a tribute. Thanks for being funny.
Congrats on 600 and keep them coming
Holyshmoley, Joe-- 600 posts? I don't think I have that many with my two blogs put together-- congrats!
Sorry about your rescheduled vacation. If it's any consolation, I won't be getting one this year either.
Not that I had one last year, or the year before that...
But still.
600 POSTS!?! I don't know how you do it,but I'm impressed!
Happy 600 Joe. That's a considerable milestone. You sure have plenty of stuff in that head of yours to share with us.
Happy 600th! I hope to see an appropriate celebration for #666.
That swimsuit looks great on you!
600 posts?!? Whoa. Congratulations, Joe. You are DA man, well, Da Old Man, but you're Da Man, all right.
So what you're saying about July is that we're going to have to put up with more of you here complaining and bitching about the usual stuff here. ;) Okay, I guess we'll take it. I'll be enjoying fireworks with you on TV.
Congrats and thanks on giving us a laugh &/or something to think about 600 times!
Re. the pic, I love the sandals, but they really clash with the suit.
I'll be certain to check out the video. I mean I come by everyday. Hate you are "dropping" the weekend, but it really makes sense. Stacie is a regular stop for me so I'll get the vote in for her as I make my rounds. Later J
In my fantasy world, every day is Richard Simmons' birthday.
My fantasy world totally sucks.
I voted for Stacie just because you asked so nicely.
As for the photograph. I'm going to go wash out my eyes with soap now. That's frightening.
Have a terrific day Crotchety. :)
600? Damn. I'm on about 60. And yes, we do need to have a special Richard Simmons Birthday Extravaganza. Where do I RSVP?
Congrats on your posts. The beach is much better in September. I know - I used to live there.
I will miss your wit on the weekends.
I'm not sure if you looked better then or now? Sorry, my eyes aren't what they used to be.
What a milestone! Congratulations DOM.
WooHoo on 600!!!!!!
Way to go, COM...:-)
Congrats on 600 posts!
Thanks for giving me purpose today. I will go vote for Stacie
wow, thank you for pimping me out...I mean it's not like I'm pimped out everyday (slow year).
You are fantabulous, congrats on your 600th post!!! Here's hoping you won't get a life, I, for one, would miss your daily writings.
@ Lola: Thanks. His birthday is July 12th. I'll retell the story of the day he sweated on me, and cried the fat guy cry.
@ MA: It looks like a custom suit.
@ SpeakDog: True dat
@ Thanks for the add and your kind words
@ Peach Tart: I'll do my best
@ Jenn: Staycations seem to be the regular fare.
@ Thinkin: Thanks.
@ Nonamed: Yeah, and now my head is pretty empty.
@ Reforming: Not me. I couldn't pull off that look
@ Unfinished: Yeah, I'll be here. Cocktail waitresses in AC are upset.
@ Marie: We'll have to work on that
@ Don: It's a good read, too.
@ Moooooog: At least you have the fantasy, still
@ Sandee: Thanks. That picture was kind of interesting.
@ Chris: I've been ignoring Richard lately, so his birthday will be a major deal.
@ Pricilla: The Crotchety Old Lady used to live a block from the beach in Bradley Beach. September was wonderful.
@ FishHawk: That really isn't me. I swear.
@ Douglas: Thanks
@ Shyne: Thanks
@ Kirsten: Thanks. Stacie rocks, BTW. It may become a regular read for you.
@ Stacie: Glad to. Hope you win. I've been voting daily.
@ Me-Me: Thanks. No danger of me getting a life any time soon.
That your picture in the beachwear, old man? I think I was married to you - briefly. I'd know those ankles anywhere . . .
Wow! 600!! That is FAB and quite an accomplishment!
I'm glad to see there will be two of participating in "Blog Off" on the weekends. I'm very disappointed that you didn't encourage others to do the same so that you and I aren't missing anything while we are gone. I hate when that happens.
Enjoy your time off!
@ Frumpzilla: Nope, pretty sure we weren't.
@ Lin: It's been gaining momentum. I've seen it elsewhere, though your blog was the one that convinced me.
WOW!! Congrats DOM...That's quite an accomplishment! Here's to the next 600!!
600!?! That's amazing!
By the way, is it just me or does the guy in the swimsuit look like Donald Trump? Maybe he's going to enter his own pageant next year.
Happy 600!
I can't remember where you live, so I don't know which beach your were heading to for vacation, but around here, even December is usually a good beach month.
Sherry at EX Marks the Spot
Wow! 600 eh? That's quite impressive, but not as impressive as the bikini get-up. I LOVE that.
Ok, here's the problem.
You posted that picture and then mentioned Richard Simmons' birthday, and now I keep picturing Richard Simmons in a bikini.
If you need me, I'll be sitting over here in the corner gently sobbing.
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