If the newest candidate for Mayor of New York City wins the election, that story will come to life.

The Naked Cowboy
He has the name recognition factor. He'll be able to save on clothing expenses. He claims no one knows how to do more with less.
With all the politicians caught stuffing their pockets, it might be good to have a politician without pockets for a change.
I bet Billy Ray Cyrus is spittin' mad that HE didn't think of this gig first.
Oh no, he had to go and pimp out his daughter Miley.
But hey, it worked, right?
heh heh heh
A friend of mine recently had his picture taken with this guy. He said his BO was pretty bad.
I miss ya!!
Thank goodness I've managed to remain sheltered and clueless over here in Michigan.
I have no idea who this guy is.
My first thought was "But where will he hide all the illegal campaign contributions?"
Or don't I want to know?
P.S. I can't stop staring at the boots...
No pockets. No pain.
He looks like I imagine you Joe!
Glad your posting again! :)
Let him run for President. With the way people actually choose one these days, he could win. And anything'd be better than what we have now.
If he IS caught stuffing his pockets it could be a very "brief" campaign!
Amen, brother.
My daughter and I had a picture made with this dude about 10 years ago. I gotta go find it.
The concept of him running for office is hilarious and disturbing all at the same time.
I hope he changes his underwear on a daily basis.
As a New Yorker, I feel that the Naked Cowboy should actually be naked. I'm all for truth in advertising.
I think it's nice that he takes attention away from the militant black group with the bullhorn talking about the White Devil. They're pretty irritating.
Oh Lord. What craziness is next? Bwahahahahahaha.
Have a terrific day Crotchety. :)
I actually saw this guy interviewed by the Today Show I believe. This was about two years ago. He seemed like a really nice guy with a mission. I never heard what the mission was though so I'll just accept that he's a nice guy.
He needs to adopt Kinky Friedman's campaign slogan -- "Why the hell not?"
That slogan didn't make Kinky the governor of Texas, but he did win at least some support with it...
I have seen the Naked Cowboy on numerous trips to NY and well, he isn't naked. Although I suppose they would have arrested him if he was.
I somehow can't picture the Naked Mayor doing press conferences...although they might be more interesting.
How does he get his whites so white? Perhaps a brand new pair of panties every day?
any chance of sneaking a peak at his hanging chad?
Wow. I can just hear him singing his hit song, "Tighty-whitey nights."
Why for you want to burn out our retinas, Crotchety?
I'd vote for him!
So would I...
However... it looks like he's stuffing something other than his pockets...
@ Quirky: Pimping Miley is a full time job.
@ Chunks: Being outside in NYC probably isn't the best way to remain "fresh"
@ Janna: He's a New York legend.
@ Linlah: No pockets, no illegal contributions.
@ Adullamite: You have some imagination.
@ Lauren: But New York needs him
@ Nonamed: lol
@ Mike: True dat
@ Peach Tart: It would be both
@ Reforming: As do I
@ Kathcom: He is more naked than he should be.
@ Sandee: Who knows
@ Don: He is on the local news all the time. He never has anything to say.
@ The Hawg: Good slogan for him. He's running against the billionaire mayor.
@ Pricilla: Naked enough
@ Caron: Probably Oxyclean.
@ Swirl Girl: Maybe during the after election party
@ Jenn: It's traditional
@ Thinkin: He'll appreciate the support.
@ LL: I think you're looking too closely at his picture.
Ouch! What has been seen cannot be unseen. Darn!
I don't trust any politician who reveals too much about himself :)
If his mayoral campaign fails (or perhaps in parallel), we should invite the Naked Cowboy to run for Governor here in New Jersey. Every time a car passes me going 102 mph on the Garden State Parkway, I move aside and encourage my kids to wave to the governor...
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