Yeah, he'll
Just check the Google, and you'll find his latest grift, selling Obama coins that are little more than stickers on regular coins.
Couple that with his last major endorsement, for a company that charges to help poor people get prescription drugs that they could get for free by contacting the drug companies directly, and you have a shill who makes Shamwow Vince seem like Mother Teresa.
Wow. I didn't know that about him. What I did know was that when he had his show he always had young girls working for him. They used to tape the show in the old WNET building and you would hear the gossip about it all the time.
Now ironically I have a post about a "celeb" today too. How bizarre.
I knew all that. I just figured he needed the extra dough to pay for his Mary Juan a. That sensamilla can get expensive.
He ain't got the integrity of Billy Mays--that's for sure!!!
And I don't think he has MS either. I think he's full of it.
And if he does? It couldn't have happened to a creepier guy.
For every ass on the planet, though, there are two hands willing to wipe it...
*shakes head*
he's worse than hugh downs pawning that dumb "kitchen cures for limb loss and other huge medical problems" book (or whatever the title is.
(at least hugh is senile, what's moneytel's excuse?)
Don't you like Shamwow Vince? :)
Yeah well, you almost stepped over the line there. I was afraid that you were going to hammer Billy Mays for a second. Ok. It's good now. Carry on man...
Yeah, I understand when professional illusionists were directly explaining to him how some of his "psychics" were faking it, he just cut all that out and pretending he'd never known, for the ratings. Nothing like indulging fantasy over truth and intellect.
You had me at sucks.
I would have liked to see the long rant.
Just one more creep in a long line of creeps. See why I don't have television Crotchety? This is a very good reason right here.
Have a terrific day and week. :)
Oh no! I just bought those coins based on HIS recommendation.
Are you saying I've been scammed? No not Montel...Jerry Springer yes, but not Montel...never Montel.
I want to have his baby.
How you can put ShamWow Vince in the same category as this charlatan, Crotchety!
Poor Vince is just trying make a living - a man's gotta eat.
Then clear up the spills with a product not available in stores.
He's a looney tune just like all the other talk show hosts (well, except Oprah of course; we all know she is the second coming).
Montel doesn't suck. Any man who has a shiny bald head and promotes cannabis can never suck. Just ask Mr. Clean...
What, no Billy Mays?
I have a problem with him yelling at me all the time.
@ Lauren: Nothing would surprise me.
@ Etta: It does get expensive
@ FishHawk: True dat
@ Marie: Wouldn't surprise me if he made it up
@ Technodoll: never heard that expression, but it fits
@ Bob: Hugh is possibly, but he may mean well
@ Sherry: I like Shamwow Vince. Don't know if I love his nuts...
@ Don: never: No one yells through a commercial like Billy.
@ Jenn: I forgot about that scam, but at least he was only selling himself. No one lost any money.
@ Free: LOL!
@ CB: It kind of turned into an old man wandering rant. It wasn't pretty.
@ Sandee: I totally understand. Sometimes I wonder why I have one. Besides watching Yankee games, of course.
@ Quirky: I'm sure you can arrange something.
@ Tiggy: True: Vince is such a hard worker, too. I should have used someone else.
@ Petra: Oh yeah, Oprah rocks.
@ phuckpolitics: He does have a bit of good in him.
@ Kirsten: I got used to getting yelled at all the time during my first marriage.
You know, you're not supposed to talk about a black, err, African-American like that.
Oh, did you know that I am African-American too? Way down the genealogy tree on my mother's side.
Eat Well. Live Well.
Montel's gonna help me find my baby daddy.
I just bought 50. Gotta be better than my 401K.
Hey, I didn't know Montel Williams sucked. I thought he just blew.
My favorite Montel Williams story was when he angrily told a young high school journalist that he would "blow her up". I mean. . .who says that?
@ Paul: For schizzle?
@ Stacie: He'll put a sticker on him
@ Matt: I'm investing in cans of Beef-a-roni.
@ Ryan: You say potato, I say potahto
@ Shawn: Idiotic narcissists do.
I always knew there was something about him...
You're right.
Montel does suck.
You are doing society a service here, however. You just can't remind people of that enough...
I couldn't stand him as a TV Host, he would never let his guests talk.
Stickers on coins masquerading as new ones? Sounds like sound business sense to me... :)
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