Can you imagine how upsetting it is when I wanted to fill in on another blog, one where it is a weekly feature to give the viewpoint in a "he said, she said" format and I was asked to submit a writing sample?

Yeah, I know. I was shocked, too.
But I did, and today, in a fight to the death, I will compete to win this plum non paying non job. Youse are welcome, no, more like encouraged, to stop by sometime today, and explain to Petra that I am wicked awesome, and should be the manly man chosen.
And, in other news, my post dedicated to my friend, Soccer Mom, was chosen as the best Soccer Mom's Birthday thread the other day. While I like winning stuff, I really only wrote it because Kirsten is a terrific lady.
If I came in second, I would have been fine.
I would have thought only major libraries would want 'samples' of your writing. This to preserve it for future generations!
don't be shock more!
Your so going to win Old Man!!!
Are you kidding? When she sees how good you are to the Mrs. how can she refuse?
don't worry... we got your back.. I will go and tell her like it is right now!
You did pretty good, Joe. You seem to grasp how important shoes are!
Congrats DOM!
Once I saw the pimp cup...I knew I was going down! heh heh
It was a great b-day post! And the right person won!
(Hey I got an honorable for me!)
@ Adullamite: Just as I would have thought, but there seems to be a total lack of interest.
@ Anon: I try to not be.
@ Michelle: Thanks. It would be nice, just depends on who shows up.
@ Etta: You'd think that should be enough
@ Dizz: Thanks
@ Reforming: The women/shoes thing is a key.
@ Quirky: The pimp cup put it over the top. But you did a fine tribute.
Youse so should be published about your knowledge of women. You Da Man after all!
I shop like you shop. Know what you want, go get it and get the hell out. That's how I shop.
Have a terrific day. :)
I voted for you, but it showed as anonymous, LOL!
Hint: You DA MAN!! :)
Other than my husband, you are the manliest man I know!
@ Lauren: It has been suggested by others I write the manly man handbook.
@ Sandee: Get in, get it, get out. Then go to the food court. :)
@ Memphis: Thanks.
@ Patricia: Thanks.
That bloody mp3 legende maroon spammed me too!
At least he/it/whatever attempted a comment though.
What did this study of wimmin involve?
(Thanks for mumborg comment xxxx)
You are the manliest Old man that I know. I am the ugliest deprechaun that I know. And my wife tells me I don't know wimmin.
@ Claire: Yeah, he's been everywhere. Been married a couple times, had a female spawn, sister, and various girlfriends and friends who were wimmin over the years.
@ Self: They are wily.
I iz gonna tell 'em how gud a riter you iz. You'll be shure thing then.
I guess I'm a sucker for a pimp cup! You did a great post. Thanks again!!
I'm not the kind of man, that says another man is manly.
Oh that kind of study, not the type of study that involves probes????
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