You could look it up, but a month or so ago, we decided to boycott Quizno's because I got a crappy sandwich, and the complaint phone number on the receipt went to a pay number to get the real number. When I finally found the place to complain online, I did, and Quizno's

I had no choice but to issue a nationwide boycott of Quizno's. A food fatwa, if you will.
Starting yesterday, they have decided to issue an apology to me by giving free subs. Just sign up, and get one.
They are giving away a sub to the first million who sign up, and as of late Tuesday night, they were at 175,000. Obviously, there is still some time left, so go and register for your free sub coupon.
While they didn't mention me at all in this giveaway, I'm positive they are doing this just for you, my loyal reader. I did
And you, my loyal reader, are very welcome.
I've never eaten at Quizno's, but hear nothing but good things from my man who's workplace orders them at least once a month.
Just sign up for the hometown hero thing to get a YEARS worth of free subs, should solve all your problems with them. hehe :)
I don't even know if we have them here but I signed up for the freebie anyway. If not I'll give mine to you!
I love the instructions: you must have a printer hooked up to your computer...I tried to copy and paste the instructions but it disabled that option. DARN. They were funny...and sheeet you have to show ID with the coupon. Hard core Joe!
Thank you so very, very much!!! I wanted to believe that you really were good for something.
By the way, now that you have their ear, could you get them to bring back whatever those things were that used to star in their commercials a few years back??? They looked like something Cheech and Chong would think of while smoking some weed treated with a little too much herbicide.
Oooohh, a free Quizno's Thank you so much for your demands. I know you did this for us out of love. Mrs. Crotchety must be proud.
I like the pictures of the chefs. They look like slightly deformed heads placed on strange bodies. Maybe that's the problem. Quizno's is run by the aliens.
What a mighty sword you wield or, damn!
Now let's see, you get a crappy sandwhich and then you recommend the rest of us share the experience? Mmmm, DOM, is there an ulterior motive here?
@ Chica: It's a little better than Subway, but Subway has better commercials.
@ Lauren: I"m sure you have them in NYC
@ FishHawk: Glad to come through for my readers.
@ Etta: She is
@ Reforming: Not aliens, usually illegal immigants in my town.
@ Don: Thanks
@ Nonamed: But you get a free crappy sandwich.
Giving away free subs for everyone?
Could you boycott the Ferarri dealer next? I could use a free Ferarri...
nice, thanks for that
Yes I looked it up. But we are not used to driving to get things here in the BIG CITY Joe! ;)
I'm glad to see I'm not the only HBer with a Quizno's beef (not a beef sub, mind you). I actually wrote a whole belligerent entry about them -- for an entirely different reason -- a few months back that might help consolidate your feelings towards them. Feel free to check it out at Pop Quiznos if you're ever supremely bored one day.
I dunno, I hold grudges longer than you do apparently. You may have forgiven them for what they did to you, but I'm not ready to let it go...
...wait, did you say FREE??
Mmmmm. Thank you Old Man I was all ready to refrain from the yummy sandwiches until you got the love you so deserved from them. I'm glad they have seen the error of their ways and have rectified it.
I signed up.
I still don't want one. Even if it's free. I'll pass.
Have a terrific day Crotchety. :)
Good for you Crotchety, and thanks for the free sandwich.
You are responsible for that, right?
Let me get this straight..
You got a crappy sandwich from Quiznos, and in order to apologize, they're going to give you another crappy sandwich for free, and you're going to be HAPPY about this?
Not only that, but they're going to give crappy sandwiches to a MILLION others because of you?
I wonder how many food poisoning lawsuits you're going to be slapped with?
@ VE: I do have a Ferarri dealer right down the street from me. They have been kind of pissing me off...
@ I Hate: Glad to
@ Lauren: Quizno's in NJ delivers
@ Hawaiin: I will
@ Offended: Normally, I would hold it against them for much longer, but when they offered to give my friends a million subs, I was moved.
@ Jen: You're welcome. Glad Quizno's made this move to apologize to me.
@ Sandee: The turkey is pretty good on whole wheat with lots of veggies.
@ The Hawg: Isn't it obvious that it was my doing? Why else would they do it?
@ Jormen: A million crappy sandwiches. Doesn't that sound impressive? Though, in retrospect, I would have preferred one good sandwich.
hey thanks free food is good!
f*ck Quizno's...oh free sub? nevermind.
:-) See, it's impossible to stay mad at Quiznos. Why without them, we'd be stuck with Subway (at least where I live... they're the only two... and perhaps Subway's okay for meat-eaters; I've only had their veggie sub, which is a tiny amount of wilting veggies on a limp bun that always manages to get soggy from way too much dressing).
"food fatwa"
I swear that's all I eat. The boy works there and brings home all of his Quiznos "inventions".
I'll have to send you one some day.
FreePhil thanks you for this Old Man. I hope they don't spit in my sandwich or worse and I could think of worse b/c i've done it before.
@ Megryansmom: YQW
@ Stacie: Free is good
@ Shadow: I've had the Subway veggie sub here. It's a cutlet of some kind
@ Kirsten: :)
@ Dani: Thanks.
@ Self: TMI. I always have the Crotchety Old Lady watch them to ensure my sandwich is spit free
Thanks! When I get my free sub I will enjoy it with the free soda Dr. Pepper is giving out.
I guess whatever you did worked. Two Quiznos in my town have closed in the past few weeks.
Since posting my comment on your page the other day, I've received more than three dozen visits from people referred by the Toasted Subs Franchise Association website, located at One even indignantly left a comment defending the practice that caused me to write my irate post in the first place.
I guess what I'm saying is, thanks for the traffic!
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