That is the background of what has me in such a dither this morning. And believe me, I am so highly dithered. I was watching TV, and noted the BMW commercial for used BMWs was very annoying. Doesn't matter which used BMW commercial, they are all annoying. I guess it's an attempt at humor, but I must be missing the joke. In the meanwhile, I see Kia and Hyundai commercials, and I crack up. I so totally get them.
So, now, I'm in a quandry. BMWs, even used ones are damned expensive. I scanned some ebay listings, and even a used 5 year-old BMW will cost as much or more than a new Hyundai.
So what does all this mean?
They target ads to their audience. A used BMW ad is geared to someone who will likely buy a used BMW. The buyer of a used car, generally, is someone who would buy it new, if they had the cash. Donald Trump doesn't search the want ads for a used Maybach with low mileage. For those "regular people" who are reading this, a Maybach is an uber Mercedes. They cost around a half million bucks. They don't advertise them during Spongebob or the Simpsons. Heck, they don't advertise them on TV at all. People who can afford them, don't spend a lot of time watching TV.
So how does this all tie in? Simple. Because I don't "get" BMW ads, that means they are targeting them to others. I love Hyundai ads. Hyundais are relatively inexpensive, so they are marketed to the masses.
I don't want to be one of the masses. I want to be an elitist, dammit.

None of the plebian masses were hurt during the making of this post. However, in a jealous rage, I may have "keyed" a Bentley.
I truly don't get why anyone would want a BMW... gah... horrid little cars!
Then again, I want a Volkswagen Bug, so, people probably think I'm bloody insane, also.
When I worked in the auto parts business (yeah, it seems I've worked in every business) we called them Bavarian Manure Wagons.
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