I got to thinking about it, and I had a better idea. Dogs and cats are good companions, but to be honest a lot of work. They poop and eat, and don't do much more. Some make good guard dogs, but I'd want a Pappillon, and they don't exactly inspire fear in burglers and other no goodniks.

"Back off, Dude. I'm a badass"
So, I decided after much thought......
I want a helper monkey.

It would be great. She could help me dust, keep the house clean, and generally be helpful.
With my luck, though, I'm sure this is what would happen

A new puppy just arrived here and I'm with you!
A "helper monkey" sounds perfect!
Lol that is exactly what would happen, except minus the beer-add in a labtop for the monkey to blog with and a tv for you guys to watch together while blogging =)
That does invoke no fear! But what a cute little face! If you do get anything, go to a local no kill shelter, we have had the best of luck with the 100.00 cats!
No more kitty-vicious... that was the name of the one that made his way into our home one rainy Hallow's eve. Should have been a sign!
I won't be getting any pets anytime soon. The Crotchety Old Lady is highly allergic.
If I were to get a dog or cat, I would definately go either the shelter or rescue group route, though. Anytime I had a pet in the past, that's where they came from, except for the goldfish, of course.
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