And the Crotchety Old Lady is moist. Believe me, that's not as pleasant as it sounds.
The weather outside really doesn't affect me too much. I spend the majority of my time sitting on my couch visiting chatboards, and then either blogging or reading blogs.
Just for a change of pace, and with it being a slow Sunday, I thought I'd chat about some of the blogs I read.
The ones I have listed on my favorites are just a tiny portion of the ones I read.
Most of them are blogs of RW friends and family, while a few are some I just enjoy. If you want to see something different, take the time to check out some of them.
I'd like to highlight a couple, in no particular order.
Keep in mind, I suck at computer stuff, so I still can't do clickable links. But the links are on the side of my blog.
Life as I know It is written by a RL friend. She's been blogging for a few years, and writes mostly about celebrities, and the goofy things they do.
It is very witty, with the perfect amount of snarkiness.
Celeb Obsessed is written by a family member who is, well, obsessed with celebrities. It's pretty straight forward, and keeps everyone up to date on celeb hijinks.
Last for today is Of Cabbages and Kings. This is one of the best humor blogs on the 'net. It is well-crafted by a lady who is originally from NJ, so right off, you know it's going to be good. One of her influences was Jean Shepherd, and her style invokes the great man.
I grew up a huge Shep fan, listening to him at night on WOR radio, and of course, reading his 2 great books, In God We Trust, and Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories. I met him when I was in high school, and had him autograph my book. Sadly, it has been lost through a series of moves.

Of Cabbages and Kings is a personal favourite of me.
Jenn is absolutely somebody I would go for a pint with.
Thanks for the shout-out! We're huddled around our window-unit, too...
Hey-- quit talkin' about me! :)
Heh, no, actually, you folks are very kind, thank you. I feel absolutely lucky for all your support-- and incredibly grateful to have met people who "get" the whole Jean Shepherd fascination, too.
PS-- Someday, Claire, we'll definitely have that pint! :) Da Old Man, you're invited, too!
I shall pretend I know who Jean Shepherd is when we meet up for that pint :)
I suppose I could always google him, it is a him?
Claire--if you have ever seen the greatest holiday movie ever--A Christmas Story--it was narrated, by Jean Shepherd, and based upon the stories from "In God we Trust."
That was one of the greatest books ever.
Ah yes I have seen that movie, I feel educated already :)
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