Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Caption This; Valentine's Day Edition



Gianetta said...

Who says love ain't blind.

Gianetta said...

Mirror, mirror, on the wall.
Am I not gorgeous, after all!

Kelly Ann said...

"See, that's me on top, you on bottom, now let's make some love!"

"From one, hairy heart to another"

"The other one is for when your sitting on my face darlin'"

"The proper way, to equally share hearts, with an odd number, 69"

That's all I got.. lol

A New Yorker said...

I can't stop laughing. His face looks so much like someone i know....and no that is NOT my caption. I have to think abou this one and come back.

Lola said...

I've got 3 hearts on for you. Guess where the other one is? ;D

Kate said...

Oh. it has to be something about the way to a man's heart is through his stomach!

HumorSmith said...

New hairstyle with extensions: $135

New digital camera: $55

Passing out after a drunken fight with the wife: priceless

Chelle Blögger said...

Come on big boy, you know you want to shave the other one for me.

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

What's new pussycat?


Unknown said...

I am a card. The two of hearts. I have nothing else to offer.

jennygirltherat said...

Need Eyebleach Now.

Deb said...

WTF is up with this dude's belly button???

That's not a caption. I can't handle this at this hour of the morning.

Kevenj said...

"Yo Crotch, you and the old lady mind if I take your daughter out for a ride on the bike tonight"?

Unknown said...

Albert Camus once said: "All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning."
Maybe there's hope for this guy yet.

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless... I think I'll just enjoy the other captions this week!

Unknown said...

Joe Bob just can't understand why his freaky birthmarks aren't getting him laid

ReformingGeek said...

"People call me Ape Man. I don't know why but just to show you I have a heart and I'm a real sweetheart, I took a shower and shaved today."

Michelle said...

Free chest waxing all day on Valentines day!!!

Special heart shapes available upon request!!!

Thats all i got old man!!! Do not laugh at me please!!!

Kirsten said...

Here's my caption, ...GROSS!...

Anonymous said...

Rogaine's new Valentine's Day ad campaign a little too hairy for consumers

Dragonblogger said...

3 Captions:
Double The Love
Love From Above and Below
I love you with both my heads.

Anonymous said...

Time for a little heart to heart chat...

Sandee said...

I'm ill here Crotchety. I also think I threw up just a little bit in the back of my throat.

Have a terrific day. :)

Anonymous said...

"I ♥ creepiness!"

Unknown said...

I've got nothing, but some puke in my mouth.


Anonymous said...

Sex: The one time of year that losers might get some, too.

Marie said...

So what do you say baby? Now will you go out with me?

P.S. Deb, I don't think that's a belly button. It looks more like a third nipple to me.


Sophie said...

'The only card I need is the ace of spades, thanks.'

Lame, but this is my first-time.

Rachele Bennett said...

Ewww. I don't want to name it, I just want it to go AWAY!

Swirl Girl said...

Hoping to be cast in the 3D version of Shrek 4 as the other ugly stepsister..., Duane is trying out the tatoo before he commits.

Jen said...

I got nothing except yuck. I hope there isn't a third heart, maybe with an "arrow" through it.

nonamedufus said...

There once was a man who on a dare
Carved hearts on his front out of hair
His girl did tut-tut
Said: "Are you off your nut"
Sair he: "There's yet another one there!"

Unknown said...

Phil Collins insists this wasn't what he meant when penning the lyric, "Two of hearts, living in just one mind."

Anonymous said...

Wait until you see my back.

Jormengrund said...

"The 40 Year-Old Virgin shows exactly what it is about him that has kept his streak alive and strong"

Anonymous said...

Word to the wise: Never pass out drunk in your girlfriend's apartment on Valentine's Day.

HawaiianPun said...

Trust me: you've never drawn to an inside straight like this before.

Ann Imig said...

Jack-ass of Hearts

beth said...

"Don't Hate Me 'Cause I'm Beautiful". The mane made me think of this.

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

Yes, my wife's matches mine.

I Hate Commercials said...

"If you want my body and you think I'm sexy come on baby let me know"

Jackie said...

oh my this is quite an image here!! I just got up from a nap and was, I emphasize was eating a little snack until this.

okay I never win at any of this stuff but it's fun!!!

"Hu well I am sorry darling but this is all I could get you until I get out of jail! Ah darlin' could you send me a little extra cash for some smokes?"

LL said...


Paul Eilers said...

I wish it was Valentine's Day, every day.

The Self-Deprechaun said...

Even the missing link needs love.

Anonymous said...

Oh, HELL no! is my initial response. OMG! is the second. I also have to remind myself to be careful about eating dinner and reading blog posts at the same time. There are moments when the two just DO NOT mix!

As for a caption...

"wait til you see what got I carved into my back hair for ya!" LOL

2 Brits, 2 Yanks, 2 Dogs said...

EEEEWWWWW! I have to wipe the vomit off my keyboard. I have no words.