Thursday, February 19, 2009

Signs of the Apocalypse

Did you ever have one of THOSE days? The type when all you want to do is hide under the covers, only to come out to poop and get more Cheese Doodles?

Today was one of those for me. I then finally crawled out, washed that orange crap off my fingers (seriously, what is that stuff? It is both greasy and sticky) and proceeded to spend the rest of the day reading blogs. By the way, according to my calculations 57% of all blog posts are based upon LOLcats.

Please note the handy pie chart that show my findings

Blue: LOLcats blogs
Pink: Crazy political view blogs
Green: Celebrity blogs
Red: Blogs that are well written and intelligent like yours


Marie said...

Oh Joe, it was the first time I used Lolcats!!! Ok, it was lazy. It was cheap. But they are so freaking funny!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey what's the matter with LOLcats? Typical man.... no appreciation for cats....


A New Yorker said...

Well then it seems I am in good company...being in the pink and blue so much!

Gianetta said...

Its only 11:30 PM and you've already posted tomorrow's blog. Are you a time traveller?

jana said...

Hmmmm. I'm not sure if I belong in the pink column or the red one.

Whatever. I'll own 'em both.

And, I can honestly say that there HAS never and (most likely) WILL never be a LOL cat on my blog.

I'm more of a dog person.


Michelle said...

I am clearly part of the red group RIGHT?????


Anonymous said...


Ever been to They post pie charts exactly like the one you have... I'm not sure if they take submissions, but you should submit yours. The site threatens to be the next LOLCats (actually, the site is a part of or however they spell that in lolspeak).

Ed & Jeanne said...

Ha! I suspected as much. I wish the lolcats would GIVE me a break sometimes though...

Donnie said...

I like graphjam also. LOLcats just don't rock my world! And, you're probably about right with that 57%.

Paul Eilers said...

What in the world is LOLcats?

I am a dog lover, myself. We have a black Lab, who thinks he's supposed to stay indoors all the time.

The Hussy Housewife said...

Your pie chart is very accurate. Great skills you got Joe!

Lola said...

I'm hoping you consider my blog to be in the red.

Da Old Man said...

@ Marie: It's ok. They are funny? Why am I positive you have a "hang in there baby" cat poster hanging in your office, still?

@ Crabby: I love cats. They taste like chicken.

@ Lauren: True dat

@ MA: I messed with the space time continuum. Complete directions are available on the Google.

@ SpeakDog: Definately red.

@ Michelle: Most certainly in the red.

@ Shadow: No, never heard of them, but I'm sure they never heard of me. I'll check it out later.

@ VE: They should, but they just can't get a CLUE.

@ Don: LOLcats are slowly taking over the 'net.

@ Paul: If you don't know, you are the luckiest man on the 'net.

@ Hussy: Yeah, I have mad MS Paint skilz.

Da Old Man said...

@ Lola: Of course it is.

Sandee said...

Bwahahahaha. I'm not in the red zone. Just saying. Bwahahahaha.

Have a terrific day Crotchety. :)

ReformingGeek said...

Of course our blogs is ritten inteligentle.

Iz loves me kittehs but I will try and keep it under control so as to increase the red area. Today's post is about a plane or a car or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Funny how 87% of LOLcats aren't actually LOL at all.

Unknown said...

That's about right, yup. You might want to add a category for blogs with EveryRandomThoughtandActionThatComesOut ofTheAuthor'sHeadWhichTheyAlsoProbablyPhoneToAllTheirFriends

I've been seeing quite a few of those on Entrecard lately.

Anonymous said...

Um...thanks, I think. I hope you were talking about mine. I rarely get political, am not much into celebrities. We have a cat, but he's funny enough for us. We don't need to blog about him or take photos and put captions underneath them, or make motivational posters or anything. So that only leaves the red: Woo hoo!

And the orange crap: do you eat Cheetos?

Unknown said...

I'd like to be in the red, but it is tax season...

Da Old Man said...

@ Sandee: Sure you are

@ Reforming: Thank you. Much appreciated.

@ Tiggy: That is a pie chart of a different color.

@ Jenn: I can see more pie charts in my future.

@ Unfinished: You are in the red. With orange fingers.

@ Stacie: This is the only place it's good to be in the red

Marie said...

Harrumph! So what if I did, what would be so wrong with that?

(Note to self: Ditch the "Hang In There Baby" kitty poster. It might not be cool anymore. :( )

Jen said...

The cats really are taking over and it is disturbing and what's even worse is that they have no idea how to spell or use proper grammar. Luckily the goats all use spell check and the dogs are too busy looking at porn to actually type an idea that might flit through their pea sized brain.

Jenn made a good point about the bLogS tHaT arE crOpPing up with this kind of type that is too infuriating to even try to mimic.

Kirsten said...

I'm having one of those days today too. No offense, but I'm glad I'm not alone!

Unknown said...

uggghh dont get me started with cats...

Da Old Man said...

@ Marie: Cats are evil, and LOLcats are just a method they use to spread more evil.

@ Jen: Cats are responsible for text talk. That in itself, is reason enough to hate them.

@ Kirsten: It's all good. Tomorrow is another day. Blah blah blah...want some Cheese Doodles?

@ Dani: Stoopid cats.

lot 2 learn said...

Guess I am in the Pink , right ?

lilaphase said...

So, if I start posting about celebrities' crazy political views and their silly cats, but I do it in a well written and intelligent way, can I be all of the colors?

Da Old Man said...

@ Lot2learn: No, definately in the red. You haven't seen the crazy ones.

@ Lila: Sure. You would have your own pie chart

Unknown said...

Ok I admit it. I do think the pics are cute. The captions though belong in hell with the poster.

Thinkinfyou said...

The LOLcats are going to take over the world one day...I just know it!!!

Kelly Ann said...

I have a lot of those kind of days.. but cheese doodles? Sounds like curds or something.. ew.