Sunday, February 22, 2009

Some Randomness on a Sunday Morning

We at Crotchety Old Man World Wide Headquarters and Discount House of Worship have considered going to a magazine blog format. Easing into it with a newspaper one first, what do you think? I like the "Sunday morning with the paper" feeling it gives, but it may be too restricting.


If we go to the magazine format, the Crotchety Old Lady will probably have a section giving snow shoveling pointers, and maybe (for the ladies) a spot here or there giving tips on how to land a smoldering chunk of man meat like me.

And, as usual, we will remain your "go to" source for Oprah's Vajayjay news, and the occasional Richard Simmons updates. Richard has been conspiculously absent from the blog lately. For my new readers, Richard Simmons is the most famous person to ever sweat on me.

Check in tomorrow, for why Montel Williams is a scummy low life.


A New Yorker said...

OMG your just gonna hit them all at once aren't ya Joe! Let me know when the lawsuit rolls in. LMAO!!!

Adullamite said...

The newspaper idea looks good to me!

Unknown said...

I like the idea of the newspaper too Joe. I have to tell you though when I read the "smoldering hunk of man meat" I looked at your avatar and the first thing that came to my mind was "smoldering diaper full of baby stink." Just sayin

Unknown said...

Umm, you meant, "Richard Simmons is the most famous person to ever sweat on the lovely Ms. Crotchety," right?

Da Old Man said...

@ Lauren: Yeah, I didn't want to leave anyone out.

@ Adullamite: Thanks

@ Etta: I've come full circle. The diaper is back and well, 'nuf said

@ FishHawk: Sadly, no. It was me.

Donnie said...

Ok Joe, give it up...what's going on here, huh? "Chunky man meat" and Richard Simmons in the same post?

Anonymous said...

Love the interview. COL definitely has her hands full with you.

ReformingGeek said...

What a great interview. She sounds like a great fit for you. Be careful, though, if she digs out the grill and you have recently pissed her know, since you're "man meat".

I found a picture of you. It's part of my latest blog post.

Venom said...

COL is one lucky lady...

Really, you know the old saying:

"Beauty fades, funny is forever. Unless you're stricken by alzheimers..."

nonamedufus said...

If you go the newspaper route (hee, hee) COL certianly deserves equal time. But the heck with man-meat manoeuvers, I wanna know more snow-shovelling tips, so I can pass them on to my missus, wazzername.

Christopher Jones said...

I heard Montel likes to blind children with his overly shiny head, and taunt Seals with his goatee.

Da Old Man said...

@ Don: What can I say?

@ Mommyto2: I keep her on her toes.

@ Reforming: I saw the post. Pretty sure it wasn't me.

@ Venom: I keep reminding her of that.

@ Nonamed: She should write some up for your wife. It's good exercise for women.

@ CB Jones: He does worse than that. Check back tomorrow. He sucks.

Anonymous said...

Ever see Richard Simmons on Whose Line is it Anyway? Your comment about him sweating on you just made me think of that. ;-P

Kevenj said...

You two were made for each Crotchety! The newspaper artical was a riot.
Tell me, did you get a Liberal Arts Degree?

Da Old Man said...

@ Shadow: Yes. he was great on that. In person, he is really kind of sweaty, though.

@ Kevin: Yes, we were. No, I have a degree in history. Which means I am only qualified to be a blogger.

Michelle said...

Old Man if you are a smoldering chunk of man meat, i wan to meet you NOW!!!

Paul Eilers said...

This new format ought to be interesting.

Being a simpleton, I like the one you have now. But change is good too.


Eat Well. Live Well.