Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Caption This

Win the adulation of the blogosphere. Winning caption to be chosen by the staff of the Crotchety Old Man World-Wide International Headquarters and Discount House of Worship



Unknown said...

ohhhhh 5 dollar licky licky 6 dollar swallow.

Da Old Man said...

@ dani: I think I just peed a little bit. LOL

Anonymous said...


Da Old Man said...

@ Doc: LOL

MYM said...

No ... I wanna erase that image from my head! I'm going to go look at the image on my blog ... much nicer, HA!

Da Old Man said...

@ Drowsey: It's all opinion. Mine is better.

Anonymous said...

Yummy, I WAS in the mood for Chinese tonight!

Bradley said...

What a great opportunity. My doctor said I needed more sodium in my diet.

Jena said...

mmm, that's Yao-mmy!~

Kelly said...

Forget about making that shot...that feels GOOD!

Da Old Man said...

@ livelife: LOL

@ Bradley: Disgusting, yet hilarious

@ jena and Kelly: I love it!

Unknown said...

"Licking the competition!"

bchbear said...

Tastes like chicken

Me lick you long time

Sorry, somebody had to say it.

Da Old Man said...

@ Jenn: You really want to win another award, don't you?

@ Bchbear: And I would have guessed that you are just the bear to say it.

Rubba said...

2009 NBA Draft pic. . .

Rick Mai Pitt. . .

(no relation to Brad. . . well. . . unless he adopted him too)

Rubba said...

Ummm. . dat would be PICK^. . lol

A New Yorker said...

A Yao Ming Wing...yum!

Kelly Ann said...

Lik-Som-Pit strikes again!

Skye B said...

Whoah, deodorant that has flavors, and this one is just licking good! Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I just love cherry!

Kate said...

"Armpit-licking good."

Da Old Man said...

@ Rubba: That is so wrong. :)

@ lauren: Ewwww

@ Chica: Seems to be a theme developing

@ Skye: Double EWWWWW

@ Kate: You'll be hearing from KFC's attorneys

Kirsten said...

Hey tongue dude! Did it taste sweet or sour?

Rubba said...

Rule #1

NEVER NEVER NEVER stick yer tongue on a frozen Asian in the winter time. . .

Buggie said...

If you can't gaurd him...lick him!!!

TheFLy said...

Licking dude: "Licky Licky Licky"

Yao: "Whaa...Im not ticklish dude"

buzz buzz

Da Old Man said...

@ Momjeans: Heckling the licker. LOL

@ Tommy: It's an acceptable strategy in some sports

@ The Fly: LMAO

Anonymous said...

"A taste of culture... bacterial, that is"


"Fast food to go, with floss for after"


"We're winning! Pffftttttawww, fuck!"



Da Old Man said...

@ Shadow: I'd be disgusted if I weren't laughing so hard.

Anonymous said...

Owwww I din't know you flew that way Daniel-son. Touch me again

Da Old Man said...

@ Middle-aged woman: LOL

eunice said...

Gross! But funny! LOL!