first, it will get better and better, and
second, nothing to join right now, just go and enjoy it.
Just make sure you come back, because I'll miss you while you're gone.

You'll also notice that this highly exclusive group of humor bloggers is composed of many of my blog rollists (ers?) That's because

I'm pretty sure that was a different speech. Deal with it.
Next, because I give and give, I'd like to mention my favorite site for the blogging community. is a great place if you are a blogger, want to be a blogger, know a blogger, wonder why I keep saying blogger, or any other of the million and one questions you may have about blogging. It's a great group of tens of thousands of my dearest friends that I couldn't pick out of a police lineup, and heaven knows half of them will be in one at some time in their lives.
Lastly, I probably won't be around one day next week. I just got an email about a new diet product that claims I can "cleanse" myself and lose 50 lbs in one day. I have to decide which day I plan to spend in the bathroom "cleansing."
All the funny happens at
Coming soon: More Awards; Bribery Pays Off
Blog Catalog is definitely the best place we've found. So much better than my blog log or any of the other ones.
Indeed! If it was not for Blog catalog I would not have discovered you!.
Hold on, I see a fault here.....
Ughh...cleansing. I worked with a woman who did that...I told her she cleansed out her sense of humour. If looks could kill....
I only cleanse myself with sweet, sweet whiskey.
Can't say that I'm feeling any better...
Thanks for the heads-up about
Blog Catalog, Humor Bloggers - my goodness, no wonder no-one watches TV any more! Huzzah for the interwebs!
Oh my-- well, we'll miss you while you're gone. Drink plenty of fluids, bring lots of magazines, and please, please, please-- don't disappear.
PS- Happy Blogcatalog Appreciation Day to you as well! We're having a virtual barbecue in honor of it over at my blog, and everyone is welcome.
Lawn volleyball begins at two and bring your own lampshade for your head-- I only have a few to go around.
@ jd: BC is a great community
@ adullamite: Never said it was perfect
@ Drowsey: I'm so surprised you would say something sarcastic. *snicker*
@ sinisterdan: It's a good program
@ Don: It's going to be the go toplace for humor.
@ Tiggy: The key is to multi-task. I watch TV while cruising the 'net.
@ Jenn: Many of my friends think I'm so full of, uhhhmmm, "cleansable material," the 50 lbs is just a start.
Good luck with the cleanse! Don't become anorexic on us!
@ Kirsten: Not a problem. I'm quite a few cleanses away from that point.
I did a "cleansing" once five years ago with some girls in college. It was... interesting. Good luck in your (slightly less clogged) pursuits.
@ Brazen: Thanks
Hey, does anyone know where I can find a good blog?. . .
@ Rubba: Oy. Geez, you can lead a horse to water.
I'll have to check out humorbloggers...
Yeah, good luck with that cleansing... Let me know how that works out for ya... I tried one system and it sucked. One word for ya - BLOATED... Hopes your's works out better - ha!
@ Flower: Yikes. Bloating would kind of defeat the purpose.
I've been secretly been wanting to do a cleanse for years. But, I'm already amazed at what POURS out of me now...
I just fell onto your site. Don't worry. It's the vertigo; nothing YOU can be sued over and I'm sure the bruises will heal in time.
I've got you bookmarked so I won't get lost on my next trip here.
Cleansing? 50 pounds in one day? The mind boggles.
My diet is called "ulcerative colitis." I wouldn't recommend it...
Visit the Natural State Hawg!
@ g: True dat
@ dana: Thanks. My lawyers appreciate the time off.
@ The Hawg: Sounds too drastic.
Thanks so much for pimping the new site, you rock!! :)
@ Chelle: Glad to do what I can. I wish you all the luck in the world. It's nice to have a humor site where the owner/mod isn't a putz.
Yay for Humor Bloggers and Blog Catalog! BTW, do you know, is there a cleanse for the brain? Mine seems to be all gummed up with gutter stuff. :P
OH Jeeze, just drink a lot of water and eat whatever the hell you want. You'll spend half the amount of time in the potty and have more fun!
@ chat blanc: We all need brain bleach
@ Lauren: But that 50 lbs in one day sounds so promising.
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