Finally, a senior staff member tossed out the name Drowsey Monkey. After assuring the rest of the staff that Drowsey Monkey is neither an act in the Kama Sutra, nor an adult cocktail, it was decided to look more closely.
We launched a full scale investigation, including credit checks, employment history, and snacking history.
We couldn’t find any of that stuff, but what we did find is the following information:
1. The name Drowsey Monkey is derived from a favorite doll from her childhood, partnered with a monkey that belonged to her sister.
We can only be grateful their favorite toys weren’t Fuzzy Wuzzy and Super balls.
2. She has an unnatural affinity for widgets.
3. She seems to be somewhat obsessed with imfommercials and penguins. If Freud weren’t already dead, this would have surely killed him.
4. She has a car with various quirks (hmm, ever notice some similarities with people and their cars?) named Ruby.
And finally,
5. She is one of the funniest and friendliest ladies in the blogosphere.
For these reasons, we are pleased to announce Drowsey Monkey as our Canadian of the year, and coincidentally to wish her a happy one year blogiversary.

A special note from Vince just for Drowsey
I applaud your choice of Canadian of the year!! Congrats Drowsey! :)
@ Sandy: I know I made the right choice. This was decided days ago, and just tonight, she spent time helping me, long before she was named Canadian of the year. What a terrific lady she is. I may wind up giving her a zucchini award. No, that would be too much excitement for her. :)
Oooh - a zucchini award?
Nice Nice Post Ol Man! Drowsey's crying and laughing, so our mission was a total success! :)
@ Olga: Wow. I usually have to be with a woman in person to achieve that.
omg...I'm really laughing out loud at that video! LMAO!
But ya know ... just imagine if my blog was named FuzzyWuzzySuperBalls! LOL ... think of the weirdos I'd have visiting!
Thank you! And I hope you get your computer issues sorted!!! :)
Gosh, I'm reading everyone's Drowsey posts and they are so cool!
I love numbers one and three!!! HAHAHAHA!
Yes, DM is worthy. I applaud your choice - she's one of my favourite bloggers!
I can't think of any Canadian that deserves it more - then I can't think of any Canadian ha ha!
Seriously, Drowsey is a great lady. She was the first person to help me out when I first started blogging.
Congratulations, drowsey monkey!
Good choice!!!!!
Yay to Drowsey-- gosh, we'll all be able to say we knew her when.
Of course, now she's a bigger Canadian icon than Celine Dion, she may not want to speak to us peons anymore.
Though I was VERY close to kidnapping Vincent D'Onofrio for her. So that should at least count for something.
The fuzzy balls comment...OH MY G-D! I can't stop laughing.
@ Drowsey: I'm glad you like it. You could have wound up with, umm, "interesting traffic." Stoopid computer. :(
@ Nanny: It's like Drowseypalooza.
@ jay: I was thinking just for today to start throwing in extra "U"s in all my words.
@ Babs: She really is so kind. I'm so glad I met her. Though I wish she would come out of her shell and not be so quiet and reserved.
@ Shyne: She deserves that and more. Now, I definately see a zucchini award in her future.
@ Jenn: I'm going to beg her for an autographed picture of her avatar. I'll sell it on ebay and become rich. Rich beyond measure, I tell you.
@ Lauren: See, we all have something to be grateful for every day.
congratulations to drowsy monkey! Who knew there were good Canadians out there? ; )
An excellent choice old man. I couldn't imagine anyone who receives better recognition from our 51st state.
Canadian? Does that mean there's a country named Canada? Where's that by China?
Congrats to Drowsey. She couldnt have done it without her quirky car, haha.
buzz buzz
I don't know her well yet, but with all the good things I keep reading about her today, it proves she's something special. :)
@ HRHMomjeans: I was surprised. And some of them even sort of speak English.
@ Bradley: Exactly
@ The Fly: It's easy to find Canada. Just follow the trail of moose droppings and beer cans.
@ Chica: She certainly is special. Not "special," but special. Especially special.
Crotchety, I don't think your RSS feed at Humor-Blogs is working ... I can't seem to vote on you!
In the meantime, please give Drowsey a big hug for me!!!
@ lobo: I've given up om humor blogs. But I appreciate your trying to vote for me.
Hmm I kinda like the name fuzzywuzzysuperballs, maybe I could start a new blog....
@ Claire: I can't wait to see the doodled mascot.
I will doodle it on doodle you :)
@ Claire: That should be frightening. I mean funny. Really, I meant funny.
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