In the words of the late Phil Rizzuto

Holy Cow
The contest was so close. Normally, 3 members of the staff get together and choose the winner. But it was so close, I added a 4th staff member. Still too close. So, I added a 5th. And finally, a 6th.
No clear winner could be established. So, I used a weighted system for each place.
This method finally produced a winner.
The winner, in the closest possible contest I ever imagined is Mike, from Live life 365.
The first runner up, is Shadow Crystal, and in a 6 way tie for 3rd place, each with multiple points a piece, are Bradley, Dani, Kate, Rubba, BchBear, Mommajean, and Jenn.
Would you believe that nearly every caption garnered at least one vote? This proves unequivocally that this blog has the smartest and most creative readers.
I’m not just sucking up, I truly believe that. I appreciate all of youse.
And the prize, of course, is that Mike and his blog gets listed as the winner for a week. He also gets the coveted Zucchini award, with extra zucchini.

As usual, runner up Shadow Crystal also gets a Zucchini Award, and all the third place winners, due to a bumper crop of zucchini, each may have one to do with as they wish.
I understand Jenn has a wonderful recipe for zucchini parmesan, and Kate has a recipe blog, so I’m sure she has many ideas.
Thanks to everyone for making this the best “Caption This” contest yet.
I’d like to thank staff members Donna, the other Donna, Dawn, Nicole, Fran, and Tammy from Crotchety Old Man World-Wide International Headquarters and Discount House of Worship for their help in deciding the contest this week.
Coming tomorrow-- Report from my doctor: Is blood in my urine a bad thing?
Holy crap. The link is working. Vote quickly before it stops again.
lol, holy cow. How did I miss this one? I just saw some gross photo of a guy licking some other guy's armpit?
@ Drowsey: It wasn't Vincent D'Onofrio, was it?
Wow, I just read all the other captions and feel like a loser...even though you were kind enough to pick mine. There are some very funny lines out there.
Thanks for the zuccini!
I would trade it all in for one big plug for my funny music video, "I Miss My Hair."
I know, it's Zucchini. Can you believe that I'm Italian?
Oh, and sorry for the shameless plug!
Fixed I tell you! The contest was fixed!
"I demand a recount". . lol
@ Mike: Plug away. I posted your video at a couple sites, too. It was well received. The vote was legit. And close. Such great captions.
@ Bradley: I wouldn't do that. Well, ok I would, but I didn't.
@ Rubba: You tried to bribe the judges and you still lost.
That was a truly beautiful awards ceremony, Joe. It brought tears to my eyes to see the poetic majesty of the Zucchini Award being cradled in the arms of another worthy recipient.
@ Jenn: Yes, it's the high point of my week, too. And it just keeps getting better. I'm thinking of having Billy Crystal hand out the awards next week.
Congrats to livelife365! That was a tough one, old man!! That's a fun contest, I hope you keep it!
Let's hope Billy doesn't reprise his Jodie Dallas role. . .
With a Zucchini for an award ya just never know where it will end up. . .
NTTAWWT. . .lol
I would have stepped up my game if I knew I was being judged! I didn't even put clean fingers on for typing that day! LOL
Congrats to the winners. :D
Well shoot it might have helped had I read the text, not just the title and picture.. :)
@ Momjeans: Yes, I'm going to make it my weekly Wednesday feature. Of course, Rubba cries like a little bitch when he loses.
@ Chica: You have to bring your "A" game.
Darn, I missed again, haha. Good thing I bought some Zuchini just the other day.
buzz buzz
I had no idea you gave out phallic trophies...I'm tuning in next week.
Congratulatons to Mike! And thanks for thinking mine was witty enough for runner up... I love zucchinis! I am now off to check out Mike's blog (dang you Old Man, you keep making my blog visiting list longer and longer :-P)
@ The Fly: As I told Chica, you got to bring your "A" game. Do you think zucchini grows on trees? I can't hand them out willy-nilly. (ed. note: Da old man is a city guy. He has no idea whether zucchini grows on trees or not.)
@ Hypocritical One: Yes, it is one of the most phallic awards. Reminds me of the time I was in a bar in Plainfield, NJ and it seems there was this stripper, and...
@ Shadow: This blog is like a QA blog. I direct everyone to the good blogs.
Hey 'Da Old Man',
Stop on over at my blog, because you have been chosen to receive an award. Come and check it out! I think you will like it.
Thanks, Skye
If my research is correct I think Zuchinis are birthed by the infamous chicken-turkey. From which they are then placed into a huge hot wooden stove, baked and then are taking out and molded into a phallic shape.
buzz buzz
@ Skye: Thank you.
@ The Fly: Is that a distant relative of the turducken?
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