Friday, August 08, 2008

My Doctor Visit

My leg is red, swollen, bleeding, scabby and oozing pus. Mrs. Crotchety’s first thought was that I needed to go to the doctor.

Mine, of course, was, “Where’s the camera? This sounds like a really good blog post.”

Most of my really good blog posts involve doctors, hospital staff, and things inserted into my body medical procedures.

By the way, my doctor is Dr. Sergi. I told him tonight I was going to give him a shout out. He is a great doctor, really. Dedicated and up to date on everything. And he always asks me questions about my blog.

And hopefully, when someone Googles him, they’ll get this blog. Win-win.

By the way, this wouldn’t have been the first time posting disgusting parts of my body.
Warning: Very disgusting photo. I‘m serious.

Anyway, in her haste to get me to my doctor, we missed the opportunity.


See. It loses much of the impact once it’s all wrapped up. The wrapper comes off in a week, so we can hope that it will still be blog worthy. It may be too much to expect it to still be oozing, but some scabs and sores would be nice.

Fingers crossed.


HawgWyld said...

So, what happened to mess your leg up so horribly?

The Natural State Hawg

Da Old Man said...

@ Natural State Hawg: Diabetes.

HawgWyld said...

Ah! Hate to hear that...

MYM said...

Okay, I skipped over the photos. Thanks for the warning :)

Hope you're better soon! Diabetes runs in my family, lots of people with it so I hear what you're saying.

Be well :)

Da Old Man said...

@ Natural: THanks. It's a pretty devastating disease.

@ Drowsey: It was only one photo. But pretty fugly. :)

Kirsten said...

My thoughts are with you and your leg! Get better!!

TheFLy said...

good thing you dont use your feet to type.

Kate said...

I love how willing you are to exploit yourself in the interest of good blogging. That's what we call "dedication".

Feel better, for reals, though. We're thinking of you.

A New Yorker said...

You're missing a toe?

mantiz said...

hope its not too bad.. check if you're leaving trails on the floor as you walk!
...just a tip hehe :P

Da Old Man said...

@ Momjeans: Thanks

@ The Fly: It would be more unreadable than it already is.

@ Kate: I do it all for my readers. First thing I did when I had my colonoscopy last year was ask for the pictures for my blog. They wouldn't give them to me. :(

@ lauren: Yeah. I'm down to 4 on my left foot. When it was cut off, I asked for it, or at least a picture. Post op nurses are so damned uncooperative. My right foot is pretty messed up, too. I had the bone removed from one of those toes. That's pretty interesting looking. Once it's unwrapped, I'll have to get a picture of that.

Unknown said...

I wasn't expecting to see shots of your gams today, Crotchety. :)

Maybe we can send you a LegLamp, wrapper-free, so you can forget your troubles in the warm glow of giant plastic legs without oozing sores...

Da Old Man said...

@ Jenn: That would be beyond cool. But these things don't bother me. I just view them as blogging opportunities.

Anonymous said...

HOpe you feel better soon. Sorry we missed out on the gory pic of your leg. LOL

Diabetes does some nasty things to your body.

Nardeeisms said...

Stepping out of the lurking shadows once again to wish you a speedy recovery. At least it left your sense of humor intact - Nards

John Painz said...

jesus christ, dude. sorry about your foot/leg. Hope it's feeling better. That wrap must itch like a bastard! (hope that didn't put itching into your head...)

Da Old Man said...

@ Wendy: I know. I really wanted to take the picture. Mrs. said it was too offensive.

@ Nards: Thanks. It's all good.

@ John: It didn't itch. Until now. LOL. This is far from the worse thing that's happened. I should dig through the archives to dig up the stories of tiny nurses giving me wedgies.

Bradley said...

Tiny nurses giving wedgies? Sounds like something you would like.

Anyway, I really hope your leg heals quickly. It looks pretty damn uncomfortable.

Da Old Man said...

@ Bradley: I did. I was in medical rehab, and for some reason, they hire the tiniest nurses imagineable, almost mini nurses, and the wedgie seems to be the favored technique to get me walking.

Unknown said...

Was is the Diabetes again? Nasty ulcers...take good care of them...I've seen waaay too many people loose limbs in my profession due to diabetes and neuropathy, etc.

Da Old Man said...

@ Lady Banana: Thank you

@ Dani: Thanks. Yeah, I've seen first hand the damage. Though I have had lots of cool scars.

The Times Observer said...

Get well soon buddy!

Da Old Man said...

@ Times Observer: Thanks

This Brazen Teacher said...

One little health scare and the blogging community is all amiss! Look at the ruckus you are causing, getting us all worried!


ps- Hope you are well soon.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - you take care of that!!! Why did you need Mrs Crotchety to tell you to take that to the doc?

As someone else said - good thing you don't type with your feet!

Kathy said...

I think Mrs. Crotchety needs to be reminded of the importance of fresh, gross out pictures. Not wrapped limbs we need to guess at about how they look. What is wrong with her?

Seriously, take care of the leg and hope it's not too painful. Frownies. My 80 yr old mother has Type I diabetes (for over 40 years now). It's a disease that has to be managed with laser precision. I often wonder how well I would do if I had it. No matter what, I need to be more attentive to diet and exercise.


Anonymous said...

:-( So sorry to hear that... I wish you happy healing!

Da Old Man said...

@ Brazen: Thanks. It's all good.

@ jay: I'm a guy. We wait until the last possible minute.

@ Kathy: She just doesn't get it. When the bandages come off, it will be scabbed over grossness, which is pretty good, but not nearly as cool as fresh made.

@ Shadow: Thanks. I'm sure it will be fine.

Vylat said...

Had to chuckle over your first thought was to take a picture of your leg for the blog. Hope it heals soon.

Da Old Man said...

@ plantbuddy: Thanks. I am committed. Or I should be.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Well, while you're is your vision? My dad has the blasted disease and is virtually blind.

Hope your leg heals well. Take care, buddy!

Da Old Man said...

@ Nanny: As crappy as ever. Hasn't changed significantly since 5th grade when I got glasses.

Anonymous said...

Heal well! Diabetes is a right bastard of an illness.

I'm mildly disappointed it was all wrapped up, though I must say your older photo scores pretty high on grossness scale. You have me hooked ;) I shall await the unveiling of semi-healed gore.

Da Old Man said...

@ catatonic: Should be tomorrow. I explained to Mrs. C how important it is.