Monday, August 18, 2008

You May have Noticed

I haven't posted today. I usually post every day around midnight. I'm trying something new. I call it "The Grand Experiment" because I'm occasionally given to hyperbole.

Really, all it is, I have decided to post on a different schedule. Mondays, Wednesdays, because my "Caption This" has become the talk of the internet, (ed note: The doctor is well aware that Joe is delusional. We find it best to play along) Fridays and Saturdays. I'll be blogging every day on either my Yankees/sports blog, my diabetic blog/my food blog, but I wanted to try to make each a little more interactive.

Don't expect any change in quality. Oh no.

Do you think I'll be any better because I write less?

No, it's going to be as poorly done as ever.

But, by me shutting up a couple days a week, you get a chance to react to my posts. Leave comments without them getting buried under the veritable onslaught of my daily posts.

Speaking of buried, don't for a second think that I have run out of material. Oh, no way, Jose. Or Bob, or {insert your name here} I have not even scratched the surface of the crap in my head. I went to a high school that had its own cemetery. That's something not every 8th grader gets on a tour of the average high school.

I applied for a job, and the job interview ended when I asked, "You're not talking about sailors, are you?" That's an interesting story, I kid you not.

I plan to reveal even more of the phony names I have used in my life. Joey One Testicle is just one of many. I will even reveal Joey One Testicle's real name. Some of you who paid attention may remember One Testicle is just the translation for the phony dirty name I use.

Plenty of hi-jinks and unfunny humor ahead. And that's a promise. I can guarantee it.


FlowerGirl said...

You know what I love the most about this post?! You start off today's post with "I haven't posted anything today..."

Any rate, I look forward to seeing what's underneath that scalp of yours... ha!

Da Old Man said...

@ Flowergirl: It was a problem. I realized by not posting,I wasn't keeping to the schedule I just came up with, and by posting, I defeated the idea I just came up with. Lose-lose.

Tomorrow is another day. I won't be posting tomorrow, unless I post to remind everyone that I'm not posting.

Anonymous said...

You couldn't write poorly if you tried! I look forward to every post. :-)

Da Old Man said...

@ Shadow: Thanks. I've written some pretty bad stuff. I look at it and say WTH? Those posts never make it.

Kirsten said...

It's okay to try this new schedule for a few weeks, but if the quality of your posts goes up, I don't know how I'm going to handle it. I have come to love the inferior quality of work. ; )

Da Old Man said...

@ Kirsten: I pride myself on being pathetic. I have no intention to improve the lack of quality.

Unknown said...

Ahhh... I still love ya regardless how many posts you post..

Da Old Man said...

@ dani: Thanks. The feeling is mutual.

A New Yorker said...

Whatever will I do without you every day?

Da Old Man said...

@ lauren: I'll be blogging on my other blogs. Especially the toast one.

Anonymous said...

Say it ain't so, Joe. You stay away too much and that zucchini of yours might harden and get retarded looking or something. Insert the N word here. NASTY!!

Chat Blanc said...

um, I'm feeling a panic attack coming on. is the world ending? is the blogging world falling apart? am I just a figment of my own imagination? wait, what? nevermind. just know this, me luvs the crotchety commentary no matter when it appears! :)

TheFLy said...

Well, looking forward to future posts Old man. Keep it up.

buzz buzz

shyne said...

Looking forward to whatever/wherever/whenever you post, crotchety.
I start each morning with a steaming cup of strong, black coffee and your blog....I'm awake in no time!

Unknown said...

Ah, I will wait with baited breath to see what the next weeks entail!

Fish breath for everyone! :)

PS- It's own cemetery???? What were you, one of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's gang??

Da Old Man said...

@ ma: I'll be on my other sites. I'm not disappearing. My Toast has been getting cold.

@ Chat: It's all good. Once I get the other sites up to speed, I maygo back to 7 a week. I'm already going through withdrawal.

@ The fly: Thanks

@ Shyne: Coffee and toast sounds pretty good. It's the real "Breakfast of Champions."

@ Jenn: Ha! NJ schools do have their own little idiosyncracies, don't they? What did you expect them to do with dead teachers? Had to put them somewhere.

Adullamite said...

When you do not post the blogsphere loses out man!

FlowerGirl said...

Hey... It's tomorrow. I was wondering if you're going to remind yourself not to post today in some eloquent stream of words that kinda make sense?

Da Old Man said...

@ adullamite: I'm sure it's not that drastic

Da Old Man said...

@ Flowergirl: I'm doing everything possible to not post. But I am working on my Toast post right now.

bchbear said...

Da old man said"Don't expect any change in quality. Oh no.
Do you think I'll be any better because I write less?
No, it's going to be as poorly done as ever."

Thank goodness there won't be any change, if we got quality, what would we do? (ha ha giggle giggle snort)

Look forward to hearing your phony names soon. Some of mine are Anita Mann, Mike hunt and Anastasia Beaverhousen.

Ya know I loves ya in a manly sort of way.:)

Da Old Man said...

@ Bchbear: I'm not that creative. Mostly just weird names, ones that don't go together.

Anonymous said...

It's quality, not quantity that counts!

You got to pace yourself and don't let the bastards, I mean, dear readers, wear you down!

HawgWyld said...

A cemetery attached to a high school? Really? What, when, where, how and who?

Looking forward to reading about that...

Visit the Natural State Hawg

Da Old Man said...

@ Tiggy: I refuse toproduce anything but the lowest in quality. I leave the good stuff up to talented writers like you.

@ The Hawg: I always thought every high school had its own cemetery. That's probably why no matter how many teaching positions I applied for (and never got a second interview, BTW) they always looked at me funny when they asked if I had any questions, and I asked where was their cemetery. Who says blogging doesn't make one smarter?

Anonymous said...

In this world, run out of content.. you.. good gracious, I know that wouldn't happen!