It was a tough choice as the Dyer Boys again came up with hilarious captions, and also points were scored by Jenn, Don, Sandee, Crabby Blogging Lady, Swirl Girl, Mike Foster, Lipstick, MA Fat Woman, and Nonamedufus. It was very close, and the winner is

"Excuse me. Can you give me aerial directions to the Pentagon?"
Mike aka Spaz

He wins the Zucchini and 500 EC credits.
Second place went to one of the Dyer Boys. Does it matter which one?
Third was Quirkyloon.
Thsnk you for participating and making this another great contest with nearly 40 really funny captions.
Congratulations, Mike aka Spaz! And thanks, Crotchety for not telling Douglas that he was the one who didn't finish second. He would have been so upset.
I truly thought Sandee's was the best - made me laugh
That's great! Hey, I linked you today. I guess we both shared horrid bank stories this week.
Does it matter which one??? That's exactly the kind of attitude that got us those stupid shared presents on our birthdays! Did you ever try to play with HALF a firetruck? And I'm breathing...breathing...
Sorry cannot agree with this this time. This is about as low as Wanda Sykes.
hahaha, that's a good one!
Woo hoo!
Congrats to Mike and the Captioning Kings Dyer Bros.
AND...I can't believe I came in third! I'm thrilled! I'm getting closer to the zucchini every week!
I'm gonna keep on lubing up my captioning hat!
CONGRATS to Mike! And also Dyerboys and Quirkyloon!... These are always so fun, thanks DOM!
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