It seems many of youse are getting older and rather forgetful. Between misplacing keys and cell phones, everybody needs something to keep better track of these things.
So, for everyone who is tired of losing their keys or other small items, I present the
"Uber Fob."

Phone not included
Using a triple chrome plated heavy duty tow chain and a recycled, all weather, all season radial tire. along with a designer (maybe Chip Foose) genuine magnesium wheel, the Uber Fob is both practical and attractive.
This is available from Crotchety Old Man Invention Development Division.
Call 867-5309 and ask for Jenny, the operator handling this particular product.
I want one for the remote. Is it 3 easy payments of $19.95? Do I get a second one for free(just pay shipping and processing)???
OH man now even THAT song wasn't from YOUR time OLD MAN. That's MY TIME! Time stealer...or just forgetful? Hmmm LMAO
Now, that's what I call ingenuity. Thanks, I'll never lose my keys again!!!
Oh, I'd probably lose the tire thing.
Great invention! My luck.. the chain would break!
I watched a couple episodes of pitchmen yesterday, and ya know what I really like Billy Mays, he's hilarious! As for your invention I could see it on walmart shelves everywhere.. :)
That's one way of looking at the "old ball and chain". But wait. There's more. Throw in some wheel cleaner for only $4.95. That's right. Only $4.95.
Ha! Much better than the clapper, much better.
Nice job! Billy will see you soon I'm sure. Don't forget us when you make millions from this and other inventions. Okay? Can I borrow $5?
Crotchety, I think this is great. I was going to come up with something to clean the floor after my three little pigs get done eating. Then I realized it's been done. It;s called a dog. I'm sad.
@ Tahtimbo: Order today, and you will get a genuine swine flu protection product free. Just pay shipping and processing.
@ Lauren: Both
@ Me-Me: You're welcome
@ Sherry: May have to get the deluxe truck tire model
@ Dizz: Lifetime guarantee, so no worries
@ Lady Sarcasm: That is becoming my favorite show.
@ Reforming: Just pay processing.
@ Quirky: And it never needs batteries.
@ Don: I already sent it. The check is in the mail
@ Etta: Dogs are practical and fun. And keep ypur floor spotless. I had one named "Swiffer."
Hey, I could put Abby on that and not have to worry about her any longer.
I am going to ask the publicist to buy it for me!
@ Pricilla: It would help with Abby, and it's less permanent than a butcher.
No No No OLD was from when I was a younin! TEEHEE.
That's fantastic! I'll take 2. One for me and one for.. uh.. whats-his-name... JOHN! That's right. John! He's getting very forgetful these days.
I'm assuming we get a free Ezee-Paw dog nail trimmer with it too? Because it would be stupid not to.
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