Years after his death, Mickey Mantle continues to be one of the most fascinating figures in sports history. HBO is currently airing a newly made documentary about his life and career. Neither Shakespeare nor Sophocles ever created a character in any work that was more heroic, yet more tragic than Mantle. His story is one of a man who worked hard to achieved success, and then became a victim of that success. This story has it all: Mantle ascended to the top of the highest mountain, then went into a personal hell, the depths of which made him an almost despicable person. Finally, in the third act, I mean in the twilight of his life, he attains true redemption and the peace he sought for so many years.
I could not recommend any special more than HBO's Mantle.

It is very hard to look at yourself and be honest about the type of human being you are. It is even harder to change...does the good he did outweigh the bad?
First of all let me say I removed my first post because I spelled Mickey Mantles name incorrectly. That from a guy who followed the Yankees and Mickey Mantle as much as anyone as a youngster. Anyway, I don't have HBO and won't get a chance to see the documentary, but, if it's anything like the reality, as you say, I would recommend it to anyone. He was a joy to watch. No doubt he had his short comings as many of us.
Dan O. De Ment
It is very hard to look at yourself and be honest about the type of human being you are. It is even harder to change...does the good he did outweigh the bad?
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