First of all, the weather. I haven't checked the Book of Revelations, but I'm pretty sure 95 degrees in NJ during September must be one of the Signs of the Apocolypse.

Just in case
Now, today, my stupid Sitemeter isn't working. Yes, I followed the directions they gave to correct their last screwup, which was implemented because of their previous screwups.
According to them, no one has been here for 2 days. Now, I know that's not true, because you wouldn't do that to your old pal, Crotchety. And that's why you're my favorite. Don't tell the other 3 people who read my blog. They are just acquaintences, but I feel we have a real connection, true BFFs.

Just a few weeks ago, my entrecard thing was broken, but that was finally fixed.
I tried to leave a message on the blog of the "Muse to the Stars," Humorsmith, and Google didn't allow it. Kept giving me stupid error messages. By the way, if you aren't easily offended, you can see the effects of a good muse here:
Last week, or so, I installed a top commentor widget. It didn't work, so I took that out. I replaced it with some entrecard dropping widget. Drop 300 cards in 5 minutes or some such nonsense. It takes a few hours, and the widget lied. So, it may be disappearing soon. Plus about half the links don't work or whatever, so I'm annoyed. It may be disappearing soon.
I visit and read a lot of blogs. No less than 50 every day, though, I willingly admit, yours is my favorite.
Some of those other blogs are getting on my nerves. I prefer no music at all, because I usually have my TV on when I'm making my way through the blogoshpere, but I can deal with something mellow. I really don't need to hear Judas Priest cranked at max volume.
And, I don't know how many more blogs about Sarah Palin I can read. I may know more about Sarah Palin than I do about the Crotchety Old Lady.
Finally, what is up with the commercials for corn syrup?

Sorry, corn syrup is so pervasive in foods, please don't buy the bullshit campaign about the stuff. It is simply empty calories, and affects one's blood sugar in a very negative manner. It raises it quickly, like sugar, and then crashes it, like sugar. While many people, especially active ones, can consume it with no problem, empty calories are quite destructive for the average, very sedentary, person. I like you too much to let you fall for the nonsense they are putting out there.
They like to rant at:
Perhaps ya need a nice long hot bath, and a nap. Hopefully ya get all them blog knots out soon, I can empathize. Just took EC off all my blogs, such an annoying thing it was!
PPPPhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sometimes you just need to give the world a BIG RASPBERRY!
@ Chica: Entrecard is working well for me. I'm a huge fan. I've been trying to get extra drops to help out humorbloggers.
@ MA: That would be a good description.
That was the kindest rant Ive ever read, haha. You didnt some mad or annoyed but moreso inconvenienced, haha.
And thanks, I knew my blog was your favorite, haha. You better still be visiting. buzz buzz ;)
That's a rant??? Let me recommend Dennis Miller if you'd like to see someone go off. You, however, should stay just as you are: crotchety.
"Muse to the stars"...I like it!
Technology is designed to be shit. All you need is a big hammer ...
See what happens when you spend too much time in Bollywood.
I was trying to figure out whether I needed to join Entrecard, and then I read a ton of bloggers-- yourself included-- who sound so unhappy with it. I think I can not participate in it and feel guilt-free now.
I thank you.
Hey, I just can't get enough of that Sarah Palin.
Well, she is getting a bit overexposed (ah, yeah!) on blogs these days. So, maybe you've got a point.
I hate those blasted corn syrup ads. I happen to think those are all a response to an earlier post I wrote about the beauty of that wonderful cane sugar-sweetened Jones Soda. I've got 'em running scared, yeah?
Well, probably not. Actually, of course not. Corn sweetener sucks, though.
Visit The Natural State Hawg!
I joined Entrecard and was able to make exactly 2 drops before it stopped working. I tried EVERYTHING they suggested and more, but nada. Finally removed it. But my Site Meter, which I installed yesterday, is amazing, I hope you can get yours fixed before you have a total meltdown, they really do provide an amazing array of statistics.
Yeah I can't figure out the new sitemeter either. Now I have less stats to look at but it was supposed to be an upgrade to their system. Can you say SHMUCKS!? I also tried your entracard widget for the 300 drops and it didn't work. Hmmm...good rant today.
Damned. Week's off to a good start for you, huh? A sign of things to come? I visited your site so that's not it. I don't drink the corn syrup while listening to Judas Priest, and I think having sex with a governor may be just what I need.
BTW: Today in South Ms. 80 and sunny and breezy...
@ The Fly: Here's the problem I have with my rants. I get very worked out, and writing is my therapy. So, by the tiome I get half way through my rant, I'm mellowed out.
@ Humorsmith: My verbal rants are much more Dennis Leary-like. In fact, if not for cussing, I'd be a mime during them.
@ Chris: I bought a laptop just because it is so throwable.
@ Fishhawk: I need to watch a good Bollywood movie to mellow me out.
@ Jenn: When it works right, it's wonderful. When it doesn't, it's just one more annoyance.
@ The Hawg: I think Jeff Foxworthy let the corn syrup folks know what you were up to.
@ Bill: Once entrecard works, it's great. But customer service is exactly what you'd expect for a free service.
@ lauren: Mine shows nothing at all for 2 days. I sent them a note, but again, customer service is exactly what I'd expect for a free service. But, you'd think if they gave great service, I'd think of upgrading. Now, they have me looking elsewhere.
@ Don: But that is fairly normal for you in that part of the country. Here, it's 20 degrees cooler today.
Good luck with the governor.
Crotchety since I just moved my blog from blogger to wordpress I know your has been hell getting it up and running again. I will say a prayer to godgle asking that your blog woes get worked out soon. :)
OK, yeah, let go now you are squishing my tits. :)
Corn syrup is bad for me? WTF?!! I just poured a half gallon of it on my pancakes...
Oh and that was me, Chelle B.'s tits you were squishing, not to be confused with Bee's or Don's. :)
I always knew I was your favorite blog and BFF! Thanks!!
I agree with you about music on sites! If I want to hear something, I'll handle it myself thank you!
I'm surprised you have so many problems with Entrecard. I drop 300 cards a day and never have a problem
Regarding the corn syrup ads. Do they really think we're all that dumb. Uh, don't answer that.
I followed Sitemeter's "upgrade" with interest, and was severely disappointed. It was dirt slow, very confusing to navigate, and gave way too much information no one needs. I'm glad they reverted back to their original design and hope they keep it that way. On the sitemeter blog they even left a post apologizing for what they correctly term a botched rollout!
@ Get smart gal : I believe the Google gods were appeased. I woke up from my nap, and it seems sitemeter is working.
@ Humorbloggers: But Don really likes when I...uhhmmm, never mind. TMI
@ Kirsten: That's why we're BFFs.
@ Bradley: I seem to have problems with everything that involves even the tiniest bit of tech-knowledge. I fear technology. I think it comes from watching all the movies from the 50's where technology attacks.
@ Gumby: I saw that. They knew they screwed up badly.
You're really just too sweet, you know?
@ lindsey: Nah. I've got you fooled, that's all. I'm mean and crotchety. Just ask Mrs. C or the kiddo.
Dump sitemeter it's a piece of crap and slows down your blog. Try StatCounter it's much better
@ Drowsey: I'll look into it. This is the second sitemeter major problem in a few months.
The apocalypse is so totally coming, its apparent, I'm the antichrist and there is two of me, and corn syrup is so bad for you its not even funny and this is probably the only country that even uses it because the companies that manufacture our foods are cheap!
Other than that, how was your day? Sorry, I couldn't resist:)
@ Rusty: Yup, they need to make every last penny, no matter what.
@ Tahtimbo: Doing ok, otherwise :)
So funny Crochety! I love it when you are really Crochety!
I totally agree about the music. I always hit mute.
I no likey when crotchety is made mad, I hate all things that be mean to crotchety. a pox upon all who upset crotchety! there all betters now! :D
@ Lipstick: Thanks
@ Chat: Thanks. I'm doing better now. :)
I get so frustrated too! That sitemeter has me mad so I have not even checked it in days. I need to figure mine out too. You always make me smile.
Awwwww..... You're so sweet, even when you rant. I'm sorry you had a bad day... :(
You're right on with all those rants. Enjoyed the read. Hey, maple syrup from Canada is good in small amounts to sweeten your tea. Also a tiny drop of honey has natural enzimes--much better than corn syrup.
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