Ok, I'll 'fess up. On the rare occasions that I actually wear pants, they have to be picked out by the Crotchety Old Lady, or who knows what combination I'll come up with.
During my recent journey through the cyber world I've seen a lot of bloggers posting about the Emmy fashions. I like to read these things because, to be honest, they can be pretty funny. One of my favorite fashionistas is Kate at Life As I Know It:
While reading her most recent Emmy wrap up
I saw this:

Even I know how wrong that is.
It was another big week on the award front. I received the

from Ettarose at http://ettarose-edgeofsanity.blogspot.com/
You will notice she is a member of my ever growing blogroll, which is readily acknowledged as the list of some of the finest blogs in the blogosphere.
I am happy to pass this along to one who is truly evil, and you didn't hear it from me, but she is trying to take over the internet. Look in the next week or so for her evil plan for world domination.
Chelle the Offended Blogger (http://www.offendedblogger.com/) and the Cabal Leader at http://www.humorbloggers.com/ is helpful and kind, and that is her cover for her true evilness.
And don't forget to sign up for Deb's feed. I hate to see a young woman cry, though I'll admit it's kind of refreshing when it isn't my fault. Still, the right thing to do is sign up. You don't want my evilness unleashed upon you.

World domination coming soon from:
You're trying to scare Chatty away today with that clown award. Now what is wrong with that outfit? I think she looks like a really pretty pin my mother owns. Hmmm
I had no idea before this you were Evil... gosh. I mean I figured "crotchety", okay...
"Ornery"? definitely...
But truly evil... No clue.
But I guess that's how Evil is, isn't it? It sidles up to you and whispers in your ear. Or, okay, you wear a t-shirt that says, "Hey, Evil here."
@ Lauren: Chatty is fearless.
@ Jenn: I'm more the insidious type of evil. I keep it on the downlow.
me fearless? except for clowns, spiders, and fugly dresses!! You made me proud, knowing that dress was super expensive unwearable crap. :D
@ Chat: Clowns and spiders and fugly dresses don't count
You are the ultimate fashionista!!
What a shitty blog.
@ Nicole: Thanks
@ Anon: How nice, a eunuch stopped by. You're our first.
Anon: you took time out of your busy day of beating kids and shagging dogs to comment on Da Old's blog? How thoughtful. May I warmly say: "Go f*** yourself!"
Sounds like Mr/Mrs. Shittyanonymous obviously lack balls....What I don't get is why one would leave such a stupid comment, yet not show face... Can't stand cowards....
Oh please, don't ruin my reputation by calling me nice and kind!! Ugh!!! :p
Thanks so much for the award, I shall treasure it always...
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