You'll see he's more than the world's best photoshopper. He's an accomplished movie maker. He's got skillz.
Rubba hates Mr. Barky Von Schnauzer. He treats him in a style befitting Quentin Tarantino. I'm pretty sure he got an Oscar nomination for this.
Rubba's homage to Easy Rider
Pretty offensive tribute to Beavis and Butthead (kind of)
And don't forget to help out Deb. She needs you to sign up for her feeds.

The popcorn is hot at:
I'll have to check this out tonight. :-D
ha, ha. You go rubba! love ya man and keep those sinuses clean!
Now you've gone and done it.
A whole day devoted just to Rubba....however will we deal with him now????
LOL!!!! :)
TY TY TY . . .
Wow. . . my own special day? . . .lol
Ummmm. .this isn't going to affect any future posts dedicated to a certain birfday celebration is it?. . . lol
@ Lauren: Definately
@ Don: He does that
@ Michiganderlady: He desrves it.
@ Rubba: The Spawn's? *snicker*
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