I was looking at Michelle Obama's, and decided well, her's isn't exactly cutting edge either.

So, Mr. Rubba, official umbrella hat designer of the blogosphere, has decided to branch out. He has put together a few suggestions to freshen up the hair styles of each of them.

Stylin', yet patriotic

Fashionable, and shows support for the military
What do you think about this very important issue?
They never have a bad hair day at :
I think any woman who doesn't have an up to the second hairdo is clearly not cut out to be in the White House. I mean what matters more than the hairdo when it comes to VP of FL? Don't they know they can get a cut for only 400 bucks on a private jet at tax payer expense?
Do you dare to compare the hairstyle of a possible VP to the hairstyle of a possible First Lady? There is no comparison. The First Lady isn't "officially" an elected position while the VP is.
I for one intend to vote for President based upon the VP nominee's hairstyle. Next time you should compare Biden to Palin. You'll find Biden is quite stylish.
@ Bradley. . .
Isn't Obama and Biden going by HOPE & HAIRPLUGS now?
I swear it just dawned on me that Michelle Obama looks like "The Godfather of Soul." James Brown!
@ Bill: SuperCuts has their own plane?
@ Bradley: It's all about the hairstyle. Part of the Secretary of the Interior's job has something to do with hair. I make all political decisions based upon hair.
I'm enlisting Rubba to do my next makeover :)
@ Rubba: LOL
@ Don: I can't stop laughing, as I just remembered your post about dating Kobe Bryant.
@ Chat: The man has mad skillz.
Those are great! I don't know who the hell rubba is, but he a genius!
@ Don
Lol! That is so funny! You can tell a woman by her do!
Those were too funny! I couldn't imagine someone in the whitehouse who doesn't have a proper do. That's just no good at all.
I would love to get my hair done in the helicopter style...that is awesome! My grandkids would love it...
LOL funny! I'm pretty partial to the helicopter on Michelle, though Palin really did pull of the spikes!
@ Kirsten: Rubba is my buddy, and a frequent blog contributer. The best photoshopper around.
@ Shirley, K, jamie, angie: It's all about the 'do. :)
@rubba I do recall a time when Biden barely had hair that he swooped over. Now he has a full head of hair. I can't imagine how that happened.
Ok you missed your calling...you have campaign manager written all over you buddy! If Palin isn't rockin that "do" soon I will be surprised, make sure you get the credit though. In that crazy political world it's all about the props.
Honestly that is mad photoshop skill there...nicely done. :)
I think Mr. Crotchety has too much time on his hands...but he is welcome to photoshop me with a cool do!
@ Getsmartgal & lauren: Rubba is the styling expert.
Rubba is da man!
Those are great.
I for one, am a huge Palin supporter. That's right all you sissy liberals who are scared of me and my guns, you're going down now that she's in the game! :p
I think we're still pretty sexist if our media is simply focused on womens hair when the focus should be on the politics... seriously... you don't see them complaining about McCain or Obama's hair.
Awesome new 'dos for them, though!
Hair style should not be an issue, but with that said those are really funny! :)
@ Humor Blogger: I'm more afraid of you than of my wife. You have that Spongebob Ruger and know how to use it.
@ Shadow: It is pretty silly, but these are the things that become "issues."
@ jessica: Thanks. Rubba is very talented.
I think this is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen. lololol
Thanks Rubbba and Crotchety :D
@ doc: Glad you liked it.
What do I think? I think the title of your post pretty much says it all. The only effort worth the time regarding this issue are the jokes about the people making anything of this issue. In this you have succeeded and succeeded well, my friend.
I guess I will have to be the one to tell you that S.P. is pulling one of the oldest tricks in the Girl Book. Sure, now she looks like a moderately attractive Pentecostal-that's the hook. Y'all have seen enough videos to know what's coming. The hackneyed sexy librarian takes off her glasses and shakes her hair down. Tell me every man in America won't tune in!
Love. this. post.
@ Nanny: True. The title summed it up.
@ Eve: I'll get a TiVo just for that.
@ Lipstick: Thank. You. :)
Between you and rubba, a fun and witty post!
Thankfully, I had already finished my coffee or both hairdos would've been splattered and wilted.
Keep it up..... you're doing great, Haru....:-)
I think Rubba might have outdone himself this time on the mad photoshopping Skillz. :)
@ Shyne: You know rubba can make us laugh
@ Jenn: He has mad skillx. I only get to post some of his stuff.
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