Here's the wrapup:
First place votes were garnered by Rubba, Kirsten, and Lauren.
Other receiving multiple votes were RenalFailure, Shadow, Chica, Bradley, and MA Fat Woman.
The winning quote was Rubba's
"You've got to know when to hold 'em. . Know when to fold 'em". . .
Kirsten picked up second place, and Lauren won third. The captions were all absolutely fantastic.

Each wins some Zucchini, and because Rubba does not have a blog, the entrecard credits will be given to the second and third place winners.
Congratulations to everyone, and thanks for entering. You keep the staff at Crotchety Old Man World Wide Headquarters and Discount House of Worship laughing. Which is good, because that way they don't notice that I keep forgetting to pay them. A chuckling worker is a happy worker.
Fellow humor blogger (can she be a fellow blogger if she's a you, know, gurl) anyway, she desperately needs some subscribers for her feeds. So, give a gurl a break, and sign up today.

You'll find plenty of chuckles at:
yay rubba!
On a warm summer's evening, on a train bound for nowhere, I met up with the gambler, we were both too tired to sleep...know when to hold em, know when fold em...
As if he doesn't think he is all that and a bag of chips already. :)
Congrats Rubba!!! :)
OMG! I think the world came to a stop, Obama is no longer the Dem nominee for President...I WON something on this blog! HAHHAHAHA!!! COOOOL BEANS! :-D)))))
Go Rubba!
Hey, congrats to our terrific winners! Rubba works hard for the non-money... er, credits... er, zucchini. :)
@ jena: He loves the attention
@ MA: You and rubba could do a duet
@ MiLady: Yeah, he's already out of control
@ lauren: Congrats
@ Jenn: Yeah rubba really cleaned up. He gets the award he designed, his credits will go to Soccer Mom and Lauren. I'm going to see if I can have a special rubba day on the blog for him.
Congrats to all and to all a good night! Ho, ho, ho...
Thanks old man!!!! Wait a minute! Was there another Kirsten in this contest?
Rubba kicked ass this week!
@ Don: You're in the Christmas spirit a little early.
@ Kirsten. No, it's you. :)
I just knew rubba was gonna git'er done this week... he had too many hilarious captions. Woo-hoo rubba!
congrats Rubba!! loves it!
and shout out to my sistas Kirsten who always rocks the captions, and Lauren who now joined the killa caption ranks! Can I get woot woot for the ladeez! :D
@ Gumby: Rubba hit it hard this week
@ Chat: The ladies did a good job, too.
Holy bacheesy! I'm quite honored to have my very own zucchini, I don't know what I will do with it, but I'll be gentle.. oh wait that doesn't sound right.. Oh heck, I'm outta here. hehe thanks. :D
Ah I jumped the gun.. oy! LOL Just got too excited at the site of my name there.. forgive me. :p
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