For the second week in a row, it was a battle for second place as one caption just blew away the judges. Shadow, Fly, Kate, and Tahtimbo all scored first place votes.
Multiple votes were also cast for Jenn, MA Fat Woman, DB, Lauren, Bill, Mike, and Blognow 101.
But half of the first place votes were garnered by the winner, and a "Caption This" veteran, Bradley. The prize winning caption:
Richard Simmons is now prepared for the next time someone tells him to go f*** himself.
He wins the trophy, and entrecard credits. Congrats to Bradley.

Second place was very close, and won by Kate. Third place went to Tahtimbo.
Each will win some wonderful zucchini.
A great effort by everyone.
And thanks to everyone for the well wishes during my recent bout with the Black Death, or Yellow Fever, or whatever the hell it was I had. I'm no longer on the TP roll a day plan, and am recovering rapidly. I may even eat something by this weekend.
If you haven't signed up for Deb's feed, please do it today. I swear, the woman is very funny and needs your love and support. And any spare zucchini.
They like their zucchini stir fried at:
Thank you, thank you. My team of comedy writers will each receive a raise this week.
@ Bradley: They deserve it. :)
Giving us the answer to the question: How is Bradley?
Yeah that was a good one! Although I thought i read one from Rubba that was pretty darn funny! Congrats Bradley! Glad your TP sitting is almost done. :-)
Glad you're feeling better-- and congrats to Bradley and the other good folks! :)
@ Mike: He certainly is :)
@ Lauren: I'm glad it's over, too. I'm thinking of having tacos or something tonight, but that would be pushing my luck.
@ Jenn: Thanks.
You go, Bradley! Woo-hoo!
I see that right under "Life as I know it" is the spot where LIFE IS GOOD should fit right in alphabetically. No. You don't have to thank me. I'm just helpful that way because I'm so nice.
Congrats to Bradley! That was the best one by far!
Congratulations Bradley! Great bunch of captions all round:>)
@ Dana: Youse old folks need to look closer. It's there.
@ Everyone else: Youse all exemplify true sportsmanship.
Wow! Second place! I feel so totally cool! Thanks!
Man...I missed this week due to my stupid internet issues......Congrats to all......
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