And I had to explain that to the judges in between their guffaws and giggles.
This week, lots of captions received points including: Shawn, Shadow, Douglas, Rubbish, Jormen, Humor, Nooter, Amy, Reforming, Mike Foster, Jenn, Kirsten, I Hate, and Lauren.
But one winner did emerge:

It was on or about this time that we started hiding the Vicoden from Uncle Jim.

Second place went to Amy, and third was a tie between Reforming Geek and Mike Foster.
Thanks to everyone for another terrific contest.
And, not to be forgotten, Our Mascot, Chester, is still in the clutches of the evil SLF.
Some of his lady fans at Humorbloggers have gotten together, and sent out a long distance dedication to let him know how much they miss him. I'm sure you'll enjoy this (and you'll never guess who has joined the hunt for Chester. Be afraid, SLF, be very afraid )
Congrats mooooooooooog. And congrats to all the point earners. The pic was great DOM!
Great one! Congrats! Thanks for the mention!
Hooooray for me!
I figure, if you stack the deck with enough entries (I submitted no less than fifteen thousand), you're bound to get a hit.
There's some analogy here about monkeys and typewriters, but I don't have time because my banana is ready.
Keep it up and the Cowboys will be offering you a contract!!!
"Moooooog35" is PRICELESS! LOL
Oh wow... I thought "Moooog35" was the caption itself... a play on the massive online games and what kind of people play them.
But your caption was still hilarious! :-P
That was a great caption. Congrats!
Poor Chester. Will we see him on video with a sack over his head surrounded by gun-toting cats?
I guess I'll have to submit another 14,999 to get on the honorable mention list.
I love Moooooog!
Congratulations mooooog. And LOL at Shadow Crystal!
Moooooo35!!! You go boy... Nice Old man. I saw a load of entries again. Keep it up!
Congrats to the winner...But I object to how you wrote the list of honorables because if you look you will see you listed all those people and then I hate, (comma) and the my name Lauren. Hmmmm subliminal? LOL
@ Humor: Thanks
@ Kirsten: Glad to. It was a good caption.
@ Moooooog: Good strategy
@ FishHawk: Oy! Never.
@ Shadow: Either one works. LOL
@ Reforming: Not sure. I am worried about his safety, though
@ Mike: Overwhelm the judges with sheer volume. That is now known as Mooooooging the contest.
@ Stacie: He is hilarious
@ Shawn: True dat
@ Don: We got quite a few.
@ Lauren: Do you think I put that much effort or thought into this blog?
So, Vicoden is the cause of this type of behavior. Bwahahahahaha. Excellent choice to win.
Have a terrific day and weekend Crotchety. :)
That was quite a photo. Huzzah to the Mighty Mooog!
Congrats Mooooooooooooooooooog!
(I can never remember when to stop with the "o"s.. )
Funny funny caption.
Guess not. ;P LMAO
@ Sandee: Vicodin helps. Have a nice weekend on the boat.
@ Jenn: Yes, it was. Imagine finding that in the family photo album. LOL
@ Jormen: I go with 6.
@ Lauren: Nope.
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