But I will give a couple hints.
1. They are about the size of a pot holder.
2. Unless you are really new to the blog, do you really think I'd post a picture of a baby's bib?
Next, our beloved mascot and spiritual advisor was kidnapped from Humobloggersdotcom. If you'd like to help find him, click below the Wanted Poster or come to our site and look for clues. Everyone is welcome to help find Chester the Jester.

Want to help save Chester?
I only want to find Chester if he can tell us what the fuck those stupid items are you posted yesterday. :D
@ Lauren: He'll tell you Tuesday
No he won't Crotchety! I have him tied up in the back. For a case of Heineken and a large pizza I'll consider letting him go.
He keeps mumbling about some dumb chick from Idaho..
I haven't even seen the picture, but I am going to guess maxi pads.
hahahahahahahahahahahaha, it's as if I REALLY don't know you at all, huh?
Cartoon coasters dammit. I give up!
@ Kevin: When she gets her Hello Kitty tank fired up, you'll be in a lot of trouble.
@ Petra: Wrong, but you do know me. LOL
@ Don: Did we just meet? Coasters? LOL
Are they pot holders?
hee hee
Okay scratch my last guess...
You're killin' me with this..
I gotta know!
Are they reuseable sandwich bags?
Okay I didn't see this yesterday. I actually took some time off and rested.
So if this has already been guessed...sorry!!
But they look like toaster covers to me!!:-)))
okay went and read the comments...so 2nd guess...my daughter has some bags for Jonah's disposable diapers that look like these.
Is that it? A tote for diapers and sometimes she sticks his bottle of water in them too!!!
Best I come up with:-))))
@ Quirky: Nope. If no one guesses, I'll post it tomorrow, and if you are in the humor chat tonight, I'll tell you first.
@ Shinade: Nope.
Good morning Crotchety. I still don't know what those things are from yesterday.
Have a terrific day. :)
Gimeny crickets I am going wacko over this. I think I'll go out and start yelling at some cars!!
I give up...gee whiz I could be stuck here all day!!
You done good on this one!!:-)))
Do you put warm plates on them to protect the table?
This is driving us all bonkers you know that don;t you?
@ Sandee: I'll post it tonight at 12:02 unless someone guesses.
@ Shinade: Yes, I do.
Patches to make a patchwork quilt or blanket???
I notice they aren't exactly square....
UNCLE!!!!! I'll wait for 12:02 for you to tell us.
crotchety, is this like how to keep a dumb ass in suspense kind of thing? You have sure kept a lot of us in suspense. Way to go.
Mystery pic: An infant carrier?An asian custom to put the newborns in, then tie to your front while shopping for squid at the nearest open mart.
Either I win or the joker will never see Idaho again.Hello kitty tank? Do I look like I'm afraid of a kitty tank?
Btw Crotch, how's the snow up there, did you put your beloved to work again?
For the love of jeebus! Priest hankerchiefs?!
Do rags for babies?
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